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The Viking

Page 48

Diarmad grinned. "If ye've a need for a sister, I would be happy to give over five or six. There are seven, all told, but I like the eldest. Her name be Andrina and ye will like her too. She has her wits about her."

"No brothers?"

"Two, both older and set to take wives soon. I dread the day they are gone and I am alone with all those…lassies."

"And yer parents?"

"Mother gave up the ghost two years hence and father has asked for Jirvel."

He remembered Macoran saying two men had asked for her and Diarmad's father must be one of them. "She be married still."

"Aye, but when the priest comes after the harvest to collect the tithe, father hopes to convince him to set her marriage aside."

"He can do that? Yer father, I mean?"

"Our priest is not an unreasonable man. He knows 'tis impossible for a lass to manage alone. Plus…"


"Father will offer an extra tithe for it."

"And if Jirvel refuses to marry him?"

Diarmad looked shocked, "Lasses are not allowed to refuse. Once Macoran agrees, she be betrothed."

Stefan spotted a small round stone in the dirt, leaned over and picked it up. Long ago his father taught him how to play a game with round rocks and he was starting a collection for the son he would have some day. "I dinna see how forcing a lass to marry be o' benefit to the husband. I want a wife who loves me."

"I confess not all marriages are blissful, but father says a lass learns to love her husband later. He says most are grateful just to have a husband."

"I dinna want a grateful wife, I want one who will be happy to see me when I come home, will be proud to stand by my side and who wants my children. I will settle for nothing less."

Diarmad scratched the side of his head. "Let a lass choose, ye mean? 'Tis unheard of."

"'Tis not unheard of. A lass wants to be truly in love just like most lads. I would want that kind of love for Jirvel and Kannak." He quickly stood up and headed back to the cottage. Suddenly he did not like Diarmad's father.

"Wait, are ye saying Jirvel would refuse to marry my father even if Macoran proclaimed it?"

Stefan slowed and let Diarmad catch up. "Would ye like seeing yer Andrina married to a lad she did not love just because yer laird proclaimed it?"

"She would learn to love him."

"Ye cannae truly believe that. Suppose he be a drunkard like Eogan or slothful or even cruel to her. How then is she supposed to learn to love him?" He had said too much for the boy looked in complete misery. "Dinna fret, when she be old enough to marry, we will find a way to prevent the wrong lad from taking her."

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