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The Viking

Page 118

Stefan's relief was so overwhelming he only half heard what William was saying. "Did Jirvel agree to live in the village?"

"The two o' them were so mournful, they dinna care where they lived. What happened to ye?"

"I was sold."


"'Tis a long story. Have Jirvel and Kannak taken husbands?"

"Kannak waits for ye and Jirvel breathes fire when any man suggests it. Macoran had the priest declare her husband dead last year…ye were sold?"

"Into slavery."

William's mouth dropped. Then he gathered his wits. "Come home with me. Andrina will be as happy to see ye and ye could use a good drying out." He noticed Stefan look toward the village and knew what he was thinking. "Ye'd not like her to see ye looking like a wet dog and in Limond colors. Come with me. I have an extra Macoran plaid."


William loaned Stefan a tartan to wrap around his waist while Andrina hung his clothing near the hearth to dry. If she noticed the scar on his back, she did not mention it. "Kannak will be so happy to see ye." Just then, a baby cried and she went to the other room to fetch it.

"A laddie or a lassie?" Stefan asked.

William beamed. "A laddie and I could not be more proud. I can help ye build a new cottage after the harvest. Blair and some o' the other lads will help as well."

"I am thinking o' starting my own clan."

William watched his wife come back out with the baby and exchanged a look with her. "I am tempted to go with ye."

"And leave this fine land?"

"'Tis fine land indeed, but there are times I feel we labor just to satisfy the tithe."

"There was a time," said Stefan, "when yer tithe kept us fed and the tithe from the weavers and the cobbler provided us with warm clothing and badly needed shoes that fit. The tithe be a good thing, but perhaps a little less would do."

"Then we would like to be in yer clan."

"Aye, but we have no tools, few horses, even fewer weapons and no cottages. 'Twill be a hard life in the beginning."

"Then we will think on it." William poured wine into a goblet and handed it to Stefan. "Blair has married again and Diarmad be betrothed. Both be a fine young lasses."

"I am pleased to hear it on both counts. Is Macoran yet married?"

"Aye, Mistress Agnes be still among us though she be so sickly looking we dinna know what holds her up." William smiled at his wife's giggle and took the baby from her so she could join them at the table. "We named him Stefan."

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