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The Viking

Page 107

While he waited, it took twice as long as it should have for his men to clear the land. He was not pleased. At least there were plenty of rocks nearby and if need be, he could send the men to the river to gather them. That, of course, was not his pleasure for surly Laird Macoran would hear of it and it was none of that man's business.


This time when they were moved to the new location, the slaves were put on horses compliments of their new master. Stefan was devastated they were not immediately set free, but after they were mounted his mood began to change. They were going east and east took him closer to Macoran land. His hopes were high and as he always did, he tried to find a way to escape. On a horse the prospects increased but the guards were not stupid men. A long rope from horse to horse made it impossible to race away unless there was ample room and all the slaves bolted at once. The paths were too narrow, there was no signal between them should they come to a wide clearing and he doubted it would work anyway.

He watched for Macorans, for the black stallion and for any sign of a village but again he saw nothing. Nevertheless, he did manage to examine the hair of his horse and discovered no thick undergrowth that would signal a harsh winter ahead.


It took five days to reach their new destination and their path took them across three rivers. When they at last arrived, Laird Limond was there to meet them. "Ye will first build a store house over there." He pointed to a cleared parcel of land. "'Tis where ye will sleep till the work be done." He looked over each man, decided they were fit and rode away.

He did not identify himself and Stefan was not at all certain where he was. He thought he could smell the sea air, but feared he was imagining things. He could be anywhere either north or south of the Macorans and not know which.

A shelter to sleep in was too good to be true and there was not a man among them who was not eager to begin the work. The new builder arrived and in a few days they had the walls up and the thatched roof ready and hoisted on top. But something was wrong and Stefan knew it.

Their first night sleeping inside was astonishing. The guards bade them to lie down and did not bind their hands and feet as usual. Instead, the guards simply went out and closed the door behind them. At first, the slaves could not believe it and feared if they spoke, the guards would burst back in and lash them. But as the moments passed, one of them whispered, "A curse on them."

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