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The Underworld

Page 34

Now to find Deidre. She clutched the keys in her hand, wracking her thoughts to figure out where Harmony might've taken the mate of the Dark One.

Two dealers passed by the doorway. One called a greeting into the three and ducked inside, snatching the key to a cell before leaving.

Past-Death stepped away to give him room, unable to shake the instinct that tried to tell her once more that this dream was too real. She trailed the death dealer into the hallway and caught a glimpse of the second one carrying a limp body dressed in black.

Human Deidre. The woman was bloodied, bruised and unconscious, her pink hair spilling over the arm of the death dealer carrying her.

Past-Death gasped, at once swinging to the other end and gratefully reminding herself that this was a dream and nothing else. Because human Deidre appeared dead, or close to it, and the guards had grabbed the key to one of the two cells past-Death knew contained something very dangerous, very wrong.

She started to follow them, a sense of dread heavy in her stomach.

"Hey, cupcake. You're doing it again."

Past-Death was jarred awake. It was a little easier this time, though her headache was worse. She pushed herself into a sit, uncertain how she slept at all on the uncomfortable floor.

"Where did you go?" Jared asked with too much interest.

"Why does it matter?" Past-Death grumbled. She glanced towards the corner where the human Deidre had been. "How long was I out?"

"Time here confuses me."

The weak light of the sun was still visible through the window. Reassured no more than a couple of hours had passed, she wiped her face and went over the dream in her head once more.

Something terrible had happened to Deidre. The idea of the human suffering even more made her nauseated, guilty to the point she wanted to cry.

"I smell blood," Jared said, tilting his head. His eyes flared with light. As if able to see through the walls, he followed the movement of someone by the cell with his gaze. "Demon blood."

Weird timing. If she were still in her dream, she'd be following the death dealers past the cell right about now. Past-Death listened hard for the sounds of someone moving down the hallway. The walls were too thick.

"You're certain?" she asked.

"I'm starving. I know food when I smell it."

Past-Death rose to cross to the door and see if she was able to hear anything. The moment she stood, the tinkle of something falling from her lap onto the floor drew her attention.

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