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The Underworld

Page 20

The death dealer snatched her arm and yanked her into the hallway.

"Got her!" he shouted, hauling her to the main corridor. "Tell Harmony!"

Three other death dealers were in the hallway lined with windows. One darted away at the order while the other two lingered, eyes on her.

Deidre saw the flare of lust in both their gazes. She dropped her gaze, trying to be as still and quiet as possible to keep from drawing more attention.

"This is Darkyn's little demon," one said. "Where were you going, little demon?" He lifted her chin to see her eyes.

The light of lust burned brightly.

Deidre swallowed hard. "Nowhere. Just looking for a way out."

"Pretty little thing," the other said, joining them. "Looks like she needs a lesson in not running from us."

"Harmony wants her alive," the man holding her said.

"Fucking scum of the earth demons." One spat.

The man holding her chin was peering at her with an unhealthy level of curiosity. "This is the mate of the Dark One. If she can handle him, she can handle us."

Shit. Deidre glanced up at the man holding her arm, expecting him to be somewhat immune.

The same gleam was in his eyes.

"Harmony won't want you to hurt me," she managed.

"Listen to that purr," one said with a grin at the other.

"My mate will slaughter you," she added with more firmness. "Do you want to know what he did to the last man who touched me?"

The three glanced at one another.

"You really think you'll leave this place, little demon?" the first asked. "Death can't even get into the underworld. He'd never let the Dark One in."

This statement seemed to help them make up their minds. The three shifted closer.

Deidre wrenched away from the man holding her arm and began backing away. "Do you really want to take the chance he never finds out? It's only an eternity of your souls in his hands."

"I'll take that chance for a taste of you."

Deidre's heels hit the wall. Panic flared within her. Darkyn wasn't able to help her this time, and neither was Gabriel.

"Don't do this," she whispered. "Please."

"She's begging for it." One of them laughed. "Your wish is about to be granted, little demon. We'll do you up right then throw you to the beast."

God, please, if you're there. Save me, just this once.

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