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The Things I Do for You

Page 48

Raina gripped her phone. “You’re right. I’ve gotten spoiled with him coming home so early.”

Sam gave her a pitying look. “I’m sure he’ll be here soon.”

Raina didn’t even bother answering, just ran back upstairs. How desperate did she appear, acting like he was missing just because he was a little late? He was probably stuck with some overbearing client, trying to figure out how to get away.

As she passed the hall mirror, she skidded to a stop and looked at her reflection with distaste. “I can at least try to pretty up a little.”

Maybe it was a good thing that Nick was late. It would be a nice change for him to come home to something other than a tired, cranky wife.

She bathed and shaved her legs, taking time to put on makeup and do her hair. She was in the middle of tying her hair up in a knot on top of her head the way Nick liked it when the bathroom door opened.

“There you are. I was looking for you.” He crossed behind her and pulled her into his arms. “You look beautiful. What’s the occasion?”

She turned around and placed his hand against her lower abdomen. “This is. I think creating life deserves a celebration.” Nick’s mouth fell open and he stood staring until she poked him in the stomach.

“Well, say something.”

He let out a whoop and grabbed her in a bear hug. “Oh, shit!” He put her down gently. “I shouldn’t have done that. I forgot myself for a moment.”

“Nick, I’m not made of glass. I’ve been walking around and doing all the normal things I usually do, including jogging and kickboxing. The doctor said I can.”

“What kind of doctor is that? Kickboxing? We don’t need to be kickboxing.”

Raina crossed her arms. “We aren’t doing anything. I’m just doing my usual exercise routine. But I’ll switch to something gentler now. I already bought some pregnancy workout videos. I want to be careful now that I’m carrying little Nicholas Junior.”

Nick leaned down and framed her face in his hands. “You have made me so happy, you know that?”

Raina closed her eyes. “You have, too. Just by being you.”

“We do need to celebrate. As a matter of fact, why don’t you come by the office tomorrow and I’ll show you around? You could come later in the day and I’ll take you to dinner. It’ll give you a break from my cooking.”

Raina squeezed him around the waist. “Are you fishing for compliments or what? Your cooking is amazing and you know it.”

Nick grinned. “I’ll talk to my assistant about rearranging my client meetings.”

“That sounds nice.”

“I want you to be a part of my world and I want to be there for you, too.” He let out a shaky breath. “You’re really pregnant. We’re going to have a baby?” At her nod, he got down on his knees and lifted her shirt.

“We’re going to have a baby,” he whispered against her stomach.

*   *   *   *   *

IT WAS MORE than a week before Nick was able to rearrange his schedule enough to take an extended lunch break. On a humid Monday morning, Raina drove to Nick’s building in one of the few commercial office parks in New Haven. She parked in the open lot designated for visitors and then took the elevator to the fifth floor. It opened into a modern, spacious reception area decorated in shades of cream and blue. The young woman behind the desk had her back to her, furiously pressing the buttons on a copy machine.

“Come on, I just want to send a fax. How do I get it off the scan function? I hate this stupid thing.”

Raina wasn’t sure if she should interrupt. It looked like the young lady was on the verge of declaring war against the machine. Just as she was about to call out, the woman turned and then jumped.

“Oh no. How long have you been waiting?” she cried.

Raina waved her away. “Just a second. Not long.”

The girl’s shoulders slumped. “Good. There was another lady who made the biggest fuss because I wasn’t here when she got in for her meeting. I think she complained to my boss.”

Raina leaned over and said, “She sounds like a bitch.”

The girl giggled before she seemed to catch herself. She sat down behind her desk and looked up at Raina with a bright smile. “Um, sorry about that. You must be with Davis Development.” She tapped a few keys and then shook her head. “I actually don’t have your appointment until three p.m., but I’m sure Mr. Alexander will make time.”

Raina took off her sunglasses. “I don’t have an appointment, actually. I’m, uh… Well, I’m Nick’s wife.”

The girl’s mouth fell open. “You’re Raina. Ridley’s twin. With the sunglasses, I didn’t realize.”

Raina looked at her closer. “You know my sister?”

“I’m Kaylee,” she said, holding out her hand. “I’m in Jackson’s newest group, Divine.”

Raina accepted her hand with a smile. “What a small world. Is that how Jackson discovered you? Were you singing at the office Christmas party when he found you or something?”

Kaylee shook her head. “That would be a much cooler story than the real one. My friend Sasha asked me to sing backup for her group when one of the members dropped out. We did a few small gigs at clubs and several restaurants and Jackson’s assistant saw us at one of them. That’s how I met your sister. At the studio with Jackson.”

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