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The Summer Wind

Page 79

Mamaw opened the door to a broad-shouldered, well-dressed man wearing dark sunglasses. He removed the sunglasses and smiled, and she recognized the astonishing blue eyes.

“Devlin Cassell. I hardly recognized you!”

He was taller and broader than she remembered. His blond hair was trimmed neatly around his head, but still uncontrolled. It gave him a youthful look, even in his sophisticated creased khaki pants and bright blue, expensive polo shirt.

“Mrs. Muir, you haven’t changed a bit,” he said with a wide grin.

“Please come in.” She ushered him inside. “You’ll have to excuse the look of the place at the moment. The girls and I have spent the day turning the house upside down, readying it for the storm!”

Devlin’s head moved from left to right as he entered, allowing his gaze to sweep the rooms. She wished the sun were shining. Sea Breeze showed so well with sunlight pouring in through the windows, but with the storm coming, the rooms appeared gloomy. Mamaw had turned the lights on in each room. As they walked through the house, the golden light gave the pine floors an added luster. Devlin paid close attention to the historic details they both knew added value to the house. From time to time he’d stop to jot something in his notebook or make a comment. You don’t see moldings like that every day. When they stepped out onto the back porch, Devlin paused, put his hands on his hips, and stared out at the vast expanse of the Cove. It was high tide and a silvery mist from the incoming storm hung low over the wetlands, making the scene appear otherworldly.

“This is what they’ll come for. The million-dollar view,” he said after a while. “Or in this case, multimillion.” He released a soft whistle. “I’d forgotten how well situated the house is.”

“Yes, well, I believe you had your eyes on Dora at the time.”

He caught her eye and chuckled. “I surely did. Still do.” He paused, then asked, “Do you mind?”

She was touched that he cared enough about her opinion to ask. “It depends on your sincerity.” She tilted her head and clasped her hands, choosing her words carefully. “She’s a traditional woman with traditional values. This divorce is hard on her.”

“I know that.”

Mamaw wrapped her arms around herself, surprised by the drop in temperature.

“I’ve always found that if a person truly wants to be a part of your life, he will make an effort to do so.” She turned toward Devlin, her gaze direct. “We haven’t seen hide nor hair of Calhoun Tupper since Dora returned from the hospital. But I believe she’s seen quite a bit of you in the past few weeks.”

He nodded.

“Have you met Nate?”

“Not yet. I’d like to. But Dora wants to wait.”

“She’s very protective of that boy. Too protective, perhaps, but she has good reason.”

Devlin turned back to face her, his gaze sincere. “I’m trying not to rush her. She told me not to. But,” he said in earnest, “I want you to know that my feelings for Dora are true. And they run deep. I won’t hurt her. Or Nate. In fact, the one who’s likely to get hurt in this deal is me.”

Mamaw’s smile lit up her face. What a nice, genuine man Devlin had grown up to be.

“Then I think neither of us has anything to be worried about. Let’s go inside, shall we? It must’ve dropped ten degrees just since you arrived and the rain can’t be far behind.”

They returned to the front of the house. Devlin’s gaze fell on the cottage and he stopped in front of it, studying the quaint house. “May we go in and take a look?”

“Not today. Lucille isn’t well and she’s resting. I don’t want to disturb her. And with the change in the weather, I fear the girls will return momentarily. It’s as tidy and tight as a ship.”

“And the garage?”

“Dusty and filled with cobwebs and junk, but solid.”

“Good. Well, then. I’ll go to the office and work up some comps so we can begin talking about the price.” His eyes gleamed. “But I can tell you right now, there’s nothing else like it on the market right now. With both the historic factor and the killer views . . .”

“So you think it might sell quickly?”

He smiled. “I’ve got folks on my Rolodex I can call right now who are just waiting for a house like yours to come on the market. Yes, Mrs. Muir. I think it could sell very quickly.”

Mamaw was filled with relief and sudden gratitude toward him. She looked over to the cottage, imagined Lucille lying in there. Mamaw planned to call a few doctors and see whether there were some procedures that could be done. With money in hand, she could fight the cancer.

“I’m so pleased.”

“When would you like to put it on the market?”

“As soon as possible.”

Devlin’s brows shot up. “Really? I thought Dora said you were going to wait until the fall.”

“That was my original thinking. But some recent developments have changed my mind. Though I do not want to leave Sea Breeze until the summer’s end.”

“Yes, ma’am. I reckon I have my marching orders. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.” He turned and walked to his car. It was a large German automobile, black, polished, and expensive-looking. He bent to open his car door, then stopped and looked toward the street.

Mamaw heard the voices as well and felt her stomach drop. She’d hoped they’d finish their business before the girls returned home. Thunder rumbled and a gust of wind sent dry sand swirling in the air. Dora and Nate appeared, walking between the tall hedges that bordered the property. Dora was talking to Nate but stopped short when she saw Devlin. Harper soon followed, then Carson, who smiled and waved when she saw Devlin.

“Well, hey, Dev!” Carson called out, coming to Devlin’s side. “I was wondering when you’d show up. How are you?”

“Good. Real good,” he replied genially, and glanced worriedly at Dora.

Dora said nothing. She stood silently beside Nate.

“My, don’t you look handsome, all dressed up,” Carson teased. “Are you here to whisk our girl out to dinner?” She looked over her shoulder at Dora and gave her a questioning look.

“I, uh . . .” Devlin hesitated and glanced at Mamaw for guidance.

Mamaw stepped forward. “I asked Devlin to come. He’s here to give me an estimate on the house’s value.”

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