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The Sparkling One

Page 24

David wanted to change his life for one girl while possibly screwing another? Damn it all to hell.

Zach told himself that exploding at his son would only end the conversation and put them on opposite sides of the issue, but it was hard to keep from shouting in frustration.

Instead he forced himself to sound calm as he said, “Why doesn’t Mia get her master’s at UCLA? If it took her two years, you’d both finish at the same time.”

David looked uncomfortable. “We’ve, um, you know, talked about that. The thing is, she wants to go into the State Department and being in Washington will make that easier. She’ll meet people, get an internship, that sort of thing. We had dinner with some guy she met last summer. He works there now and he’s gonna help her.”

David shrugged again. His hair fell across his forehead, hiding his expression. “Mia really wants to do this.”

Zach drew in a deep breath. “Mia’s fortunate to have such a clear view of her future,” he said, trying for light, and not sure he was succeeding. “What do you want?”

David grinned. “It sort of seems like under the circumstances that not having a major is a good thing, huh?”

Zach mentally grabbed on to his self-control with both hands. “If you’re talking about transferring at the end of your sophomore year, you’ll have to declare a major to be accepted, won’t you?”

“I guess. I could just take poli sci, like Mia. It might be fun.”

“Fun? David, we’re talking about your future. What do you want to do with your life? While I’m not suggesting you pick a career that’s boring, I would think you’d want to put a little more thought into a major than the fact that it’s what your girlfriend is studying.”

David’s head snapped up. “You said it didn’t matter that I didn’t have a major.”

“It doesn’t. Not now. But it will matter soon. It will matter a lot if you switch schools. What if what you want to study isn’t available at Georgetown? I don’t object to you transferring, if it’s in your best interest. But simply to follow Mia?”

“We’re getting married. I can’t marry her and live on the other side of the country.”

Something snapped. Zach heard the audible sound as his frustration and concern exploded into temper.

“Dammit, David, this entire situation is crazy. You’re barely eighteen years old. You don’t have a clue as to what you want for your future, so why are you so fired up to get married? If you and Mia are so hot to be together, then move in with her. Sharing an apartment for a few months will take the bloom off the rose. You’ll both figure out that there’s more to love than sex.”

David flushed, but he didn’t look away. Instead he slid forward in his seat and jerked out his chin. “I thought you’d be proud of me wanting to marry her instead of just living together. Isn’t marriage the right thing to do?”

“Sure. If you’re ready. If you’re sure. You and Julie looked chummy. Want to tell me what’s going on there?”

“Nothing.” But David didn’t look at him as he spoke. “We’re just friends.”

“Is that why you kissed her?”

David glared at him. “You were spying on me.”

“I was concerned.” And apparently right.

His son stood. “This isn’t your business.”

“You made it my business when you said you wanted to get married. You’re so in love with Mia that you’re going to marry her and transfer across the country, yet four months before the wedding you’re kissing some other girl?”

“It’s not like that. I love Mia.”

“You don’t know what love is.” Zach stood to face his son. “Mia is your first girlfriend, David. You don’t have a job. Marriage requires commitment and responsibility. It requires fidelity. What do you know about working out problems, organizing a budget, paying bills, while working and going to school? You’re overwhelmed by your current schedule. What happens when it gets worse?”

“We’ll be fine. We’ll learn together.”

Zach played his trump card. “And if I refuse to pay for your college?”

David stiffened. “I didn’t think you’d do that, but I can’t stop you.” He glared at his father. “You don’t understand. You’ll never understand. I love her. You’ve never loved anyone in your whole life, so you can’t know what that feels like. You get involved for a few weeks, then you walk away. To you marriage is just something that ends in divorce, but it doesn’t have to be like that. I know you think Mia and I are going to fail, but you’re wrong.”

His voice rose until he was practically shouting. David’s strength and determination marked his first foray into manhood. It was a hell of a time for his kid to start growing up.

“I know exactly what love is. What I don’t have is your rosy view of the future. You can say what you want about me, but know this. I love you and I have always been there for you. Whatever it took, whatever it cost, I was there. And I’ll be damned if I’ll stand by and watch you screw up your life.”

David blinked several times as if holding back tears. “It won’t be like that. Why can’t you see?”

“Because I’ve been there. I was seventeen when I married your mother. I know what it’s like to be your age and drowning in responsibility. It sucks big time.” He clenched his fists as he remembered the daily hell of wondering how much he could screw up the fragile life he’d been given to care for. Being David’s father in those early years had been terrifying.

“I would have given anything to walk away from it all, but I couldn’t,” Zach continued. “First you’re married, then she turns up pregnant and everything changes. I don’t want that for you.”

The second the words were out, he wanted to retract them. But it was too late. David took a step back. He bumped into the wingback chair and moved around it. His gaze never left his father’s face.

The anguish in his son’s eyes made Zach want to throw himself in front of a truck. “David, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that the way it came out.”

Tears spilled down David’s face. “You did,” he said, his voice harsh. “You did.”


Zach moved toward him, but David held out a hand. “Stay away from me.”


“No. I didn’t realize I’d made your life a living hell. You should have told me before that I was such a pain in the ass. I would have stayed out of your way.” He angrily brushed his hands across his face. “Don’t worry. I won’t bother you anymore.”

“David, wait.”

But his son was already bolting for the door. Zach hurried after him, but before he could catch up with him, David was gone. The front door slammed shut. Seconds later he heard the sound of his son’s car starting. Zach ran outside anyway, just in time to see David driving away. He stood there for a long time before he realized it was raining and that he needed to go back inside.


K atie picked up the phone, then set it down. She picked it up again, dialed three numbers and hung up, then buried her head in her hands. This was much worse than the time she’d invited Steve Klausen to the Backwards Dance in high school and he’d made her wait for an answer while he found out if he had to work that night. One would think that at her age she would have learned maturity, poise, and grace. Unfortunately, one would be wrong.

“It’s just a business call,” she told herself, trying to sound both firm and in control. “I have information to share with a client. It is, in fact, my obligation to keep my client updated on what is going on.”

Which was nearly the truth, but not completely. The missing factor was, of course, that she and Zach had made love last week. They’d gotten naked, done the wild thing, then she’d crept out in the middle of the night without even leaving a note.

That could have been recoverable if they’d spoken since. But they hadn’t. She should have called, but she’d been scared and embarrassed and definitely out of her comfort zone. She’d wanted him to make the first move and when he hadn’t, she’d felt…icky.

Now she felt awkward and confused about calling him at work. Normally she never sweated getting in touch with a client, but Zach was the first one she’d ever slept with, so the rules of engagement weren’t all that clear.

She dropped her hands to her desk and leaned back in her chair. She was going to have to get over this and start acting like a sensible person. Baring that, she was simply going to have to suck it up and call Zach because she had to move forward with the fund-raiser.

And she would like to take this moment to remind herself that she had only herself to blame. She could have said no. She could have walked away while still fully dressed and then not have had to worry about postcoital etiquette. This uncomfortable, slightly embarrassed, definitely weird sensation in her midsection was something to remember the next time a tempting client walked into her life and tried to get past first base.

Determined to be brave and professional, she picked up the phone and dialed Zach’s office number. Dora picked up on the first ring and immediately put Katie through.

“Stryker,” Zach said in a deep, masculine voice that made her go weak at the knees—never mind that she was sitting down.

“Hi, Zach, it’s Katie. I’m calling with some good news about the fund-raiser.”


She hesitated. His response didn’t have the enthusiasm level she’d been hoping for. Nor did he seem to be in a rush to gush enthusiastically about their night together. Had he forgotten already? Or was he so used to one-night stands that this one didn’t matter?

The silence stretching between them was its own response, so she ignored the feeling of being a complete fool and retreated to the safety of business.

“As you know, the, ah, invitations went out two weeks ago. Already we’ve had positive responses from more than fifty percent of those invited.” She consulted her notes. “Of the five hundred we invited to the party-within-a-party, three hundred have said yes. Not only will the rooms be delightfully teeming with guests, but if all goes according to plan, we’re on target to beat last year’s charitable proceeds by at least twenty-five percent.”

She paused and waited for the applause. Or at least a “well done.” Instead she heard silence.


“That’s really great, Katie. You’re doing a fine job.”

A fine job? The man had seen her naked, made her scream with pleasure, and “a fine job” was the best he could do?

“I’m sorry,” she said. “Did I call at a bad time?”

“I’m afraid so. I’m in the middle of prepping for court.”

She stiffened as if he’d slapped her. The implication of his words being that his work was far more important than hers.

Bitter regret burned on her tongue. His rejection couldn’t have been more plain. She swore silently as she realized that once again she’d risked believing the best about Zach only to have the worst proved to her.

She’d thought he was a real person. She’d thought they were establishing a connection. She thought their night together had mattered. Damn if she hadn’t been wrong on every count.

“I won’t keep you, then,” she said, forcing her voice into a bright, cheerful “you don’t matter because I’m doing fine” tone. “I’m very excited by the positive response to the party and wanted to let you know.”

“I appreciate it.” He cleared his throat. “Don’t feel you have to give me regular updates. Until I hear otherwise, I’m going to assume everything is going great.” ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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