The Silent Beat Of Eloise
RED: Energy, strength, anger, sexuality, passion, fear, ego.
ORANGE: self-control, ambition, courage, thoughtfulness, lack of will, apathetic.
YELLOW: optimistic, happy, intellectual, friendly, easily led, indecisive.
GREEN: peaceful, healing, compassion, deceitful, jealous.
BLUE: spiritual, loyal, creative, sensitive, kind, moody.
VIOLET: highly spiritual, wisdom, intuition.
INDIGO: benevolence, highly, intuitive.
PINK: love, sincerity, friendship.
GREY: depression, sadness, exhaustion, low energy, scepticism.
BROWN: greed, self-involvement, optionated.
BLACK: lacking energy, illness, imminent death.
WHITE: purity, perfect balance.
GAHI- The werewolf king
DHAGERE – The wife coven
NYMALS- mates
KESME- the mate run
DAE - dawn
EUDH- dusk
EYA- month
EYAZ- year
DYEA- spirit/soul/being.
JUN JOU- pure hearted
MEELA- my heart
KANTA- couple
DERA- sister
KUTZE- brother
SENAI- mother
SEKAI- aunt
VONTA - uncle
KOMPA- grandfather
HAT SENAI- grand mother
ICHI- child
KO NACHE – little one
GWAR- son
GWARZ- daughter
FOROA- a type of food
EPLEA- happy/ happiness
TCUANT- stubborn
MEO- new born
DAKAS- stop/quiet/shut up.
HCAKOL- wine /rum/beer.
FVESUD- wind/air
NYTANIC- fire/ heat/ warmth.
DHAL- PAE- ice /cold
BANEL- water
ALCA- are you
DEOSLI- what
TETO- I am
DOBOUT- dress
ELBUAG- this
TMUS- way