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The Senator's Vote

Page 28

I watched them quietly make their way through the undergrowth and fallen leaves, making sure there weren't any changes as I did a quick scan of the area around them.

"The main building is just ahead. Your best bet is to take the two in the main room without being discovered and then cornering the rest in the back room, where they can't escape," I suggested.

"We'll do our best," Keith said. "Let's use the guard's radio and lure the two out of the building."

"Good idea," Pete said.

"Hey, there was a noise coming from behind the northwest building. I think someone needs to check it out," Jeff said into the guard's radio.

"Why don't you?" A man answered.

"Henderson will kill me if I leave this gate again."

"Fine, we'll check it out."

Minutes passed and I began tapping my foot. I zoomed in closer watching the dirt road. It had been a good idea, now if only it would work. A few seconds slowly ticked by then I saw the hostiles walk out of the building and down the path. "Hostiles approaching," I said.

The two men walked past Pete and Keith who were hidden behind a tree. Pete grabbed one man and knocked him unconscious. Keith grabbed the other and did the same while Jeff restrained them both with twist ties. "Hostiles taken out," Pete said.

They moved the men off the dirt path, and then made their way up to the building. As soon as they went in I could no longer see what was going on which made me nervous. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Get ready," I said to guys next to me. Maloney ignored me but the other two nodded. I wasn't about to put up with that with Keith's life on the line.

"Maloney, did you hear me? Or do I need to write you up for insubordination?"I snapped.

He glared at me. "I heard you loud and clear Agent Andrews."

"Good." I turned my attention back to the computer. I listened and waited for what seemed like forever. I then heard the splintering of a door, screams and gunshots. I suspected that Henderson and his men had initiated a firefight. It would hopefully be to our advantage since they were trapped in the room. The gunfire continued and then there was total silence.

"Three hostiles down, two surrendered. Henderson is here...and has taken a bullet to the stomach," Pete said, nearly out of breath.

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