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The Rocker Who Wants Me (The Rocker 7)

Page 31

Instead of moving toward the dance floor right away, Axton tugged on my hand, urging me toward the bar. He ordered two shots of tequila. As soon as the drink was in front of me I downed it without waiting on him. My heart was pounding to the fast beat of the music and I suddenly knew how the night was going to end. Fuck. I had known as soon as Axton had kissed me halfway through the concert earlier.

And I wanted it. Damn, did I ever want it! I wanted Axton so bad. Which was making my heart, my brain, and the rest of my body have a triple threat death match for supremacy over this situation. My heart and my body were nearly in accordance but for different reasons, while my brain was raging at them both to be smart. With each drink I took, my brain grew more and more sure that my heart and body were right after all. Maybe Axton Cage was good for me after all.

Of course I was sure that my brain would be screaming at me that I was a world class idiot come morning, but right now my heart and body were leading the show.

Instead of downing his shot right away, Axton picked up his lime wedge and turned to face me. Carefully, as if he were afraid to spook me, he lifted the wedge to my lips, placing the rind in my mouth. With the salt shaker in hand he lowered his head and licked the sensitive spot under my ear. A soft mewling sound left me, and I knew he couldn’t hear it, but from his reaction I was sure that he had felt it vibrating in my throat. I felt his lips lift in a smile as he lifted his head and sprinkled salt on my damp neck.

With his left eyebrow arched he mouthed the question, “Ready?” I swallowed around the rind in my mouth and nodded.

Axton’s hands landed on my hips, pulling me close and locking me into place. Slowly he lowered his head, his nose nuzzling against my ear before I felt his wet, hot tongue on my neck licking away the salt. My hands went to his arms, my nails biting into his biceps through his T-shirt as he lingered, sucking off any remaining salt.

Then he was reaching for the shot, downing the expensive tequila. He didn’t even flinch. And then he was moving in fast, taking the lime into his own mouth, sucking the lime and spitting it out before diving in to suck any remaining juice from my lips. My nails dug deeper into his arms as my panties became drenched with every tug from the suction of his lips. My thighs started to tremble and I knew then that wearing a skirt this small was a mistake. If I got any wetter the entire club would know how affected I was as my need started dripping down my bare thighs.

With one last swipe of his tongue over my bottom lip, Axton pulled back. He dropped a kiss onto the tip of my nose, which completely threw me for a minute but didn’t stop my heart from melting. With a tilt of his head toward the dance floor I nodded dumbly and let him lead me into the mass of couples.

The last song was just ending as he put his hands on my hips again, pulling me closer. This close, his body was easily broadcasting how turned on he was. His dick pulsed against my stomach through his jeans. As dark as it was in this room I could have lifted my hands and touched him through the material of his jeans, but if I did that then we would end up leaving before I was ready.

As the first cords of Tiesto’s remix of Zedd’s “Clarity” featuring Foxes filled the air, I wrapped my arms around Axton’s neck and rested my head on his chest. The words of the song washed over me and I couldn’t help but smile a little sadly at how they seemed to fit how I was feeling about the man who was now wrapped around me.

I only let the words invade my mind for a few moments before I blocked it out and let the beat of the music take over. Lifting my head from his chest I brushed my lips over his in a barely there kiss before pushing away and dancing. Shooting him a mischievous grin I wasn’t sure if he saw or not, I danced away, making him chase me.

Axton kept up with ease. I knew from experience since we had gone clubbing more than a few times during our relationship, that he was an amazing dancer. It had surprised me the first time I had pulled him onto a dance floor and he had easily kept up with me. A rocker he might be, but he had some mad skills.

By the end of the third song I felt breathless and skipped to the bar to get a glass of water before asking for a Jell-O shot. After I swallowed half the water I lifted the grape Jell-O that was in a syringe-like container. It was bigger than most Jell-O shots but I was determined to shoot it in one go. I felt Axton’s hand on the small of my back and turned to face him, wanting him as tortured as humanly possible.

Tossing my head back, I put the syringe in my mouth and pushed it all into my mouth before tossing the container away. With my mouth full of Jell-O and Vodka I pressed my lips to his, pushing some of the treat into his mouth. His fingers were bruising as he held my hips against him, sucking all of the shot from my mouth.

Holy fuck. What had I just done?

I was gasping for air when he raised his head, swallowing the last of the shot I had just given him. I didn’t have long to draw in a good breath before he was devouring my mouth again. His big hands released their grip on my hips to rub over the globes of my ass, drawing me even closer. When fingers of one hand slipped under my skirt and skimmed along the seam of my ass, tracing over my thong, my knees nearly buckled.

Axton broke away and buried his face in my neck. He was panting just as hard as I was, his erection trying to push its way free from the confines of his jeans. “I need you so fucking bad, baby. Tell me I can have you. Please, Dallas. I’m begging.”

I couldn’t form words. My tongue was still tangled up in knots from our last kiss. All I could give as way of answer was a simple nod. That small affirmation was all he needed. With a hand that shook, he linked our fingers and pulled me toward the exit.

Out in the hall the noise level was so much quieter and I realized that the theme room had been sound-proofed. I blinked a few times until my eyes were better adjusted to the brightness of the lights compared to the darkness we had just been in. Only a few people were in the corridor, going from one theme room to the next. Axton backed me against the wall, his lips already on my neck.

“I-I can’t wait,” I told him, arching my hips against him to find some measure of relief to the need that was burning through me. “Please, don’t make me wait until we get back.”

His head snapped up. “Here?” I nodded, my eyes begging him to take care of me. Soon.

I saw the wheels turning in his head for nearly a minute before he nodded. His hazel eyes were wild, more green than brown with his need for me. With a curse he led me down the corridor. I saw a sign for the restrooms, but knew that it would be too crowded in there. I’d never had sex in a bathroom before, though, so I wasn’t against it, but unlike Harper and Shane, I wasn’t a fan of public sex.

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