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The Road to Port Haven

Page 45

Roman sighed as she said this, then lifted her chin so that she had no choice but to look him in the eye.

'I know the look you describe,' he said softly. 'It is the look of unreason; of the fanatic; of the man who lives utterly within his own imagination. It is called the face of evil, and to those that have seen such eyes, there most often seems no other explanation for it.

'But el diablo is not a living man. Your father is not evil. It is a common mistake to call people by their actions. Remember this, my sweet, when you look upon the actions of others: hate the evil, but not the person. People may change, but without the willingness to understand and forgive there is no hope of salvation- for any of us.' He smiled with rueful seriousness into her eyes, drawing an unwilling smile in return. 'The hanged man does not learn from his mistakes, and if we withhold the means to his possible salvation then we are just as guilty as he is.'

Roman raised his head to consider the skies, a strange smile upon his lips. 'It will be dark soon, the time when all things take on a different meaning; the sound of the solitary bird, footsteps in the hall, or an unknown rider's mount. I would have your answer while the world is not yet in shadow, Kara. Say that you will marry me.'

Kara turned away from him with a little moan of frustration. She too considered the sky as though realising that time was growing short.

'Camilla will have my head!'

'Camilla has no claim on me, nor shall she ever! Besides, what will you do if I marry someone else one day? Stay on at the Casa as my little vegetable gardener?'

Her tearstained face still uplifted, Kara shut her eyes tightly, fists clenched at her sides. A little shudder shook her shoulders once, and then she was very still.

'I will do this-' she choked in a quiet voice, as though only by force of will could she utter the words.

Roman placed warm hands on her shoulders, steadying her. 'Is that your funny little way of saying yes?'

She swallowed once, opened her eyes.


'Then,' he told her, 'let us go home and inform my mother and the household.'

Kara reddened at the prospect, wondering what their possible reaction would be. Roman laughed at her reaction, however, and as he got to his feet, scooped her up in his arms.

'Come, where is the little hoyden with the hot temper and a pitchfork in her hand who dares stare down men twice her size when she is angry, eh?'

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