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The Road to Port Haven

Page 104

The sudden ferociously bright light, though it had been expected by some, still came utterly as a shock to those that looked on; instantly the ship shuddered, and the sound of the gun's report came a spit second later as a deafening blast that made everyone start. Another flash, and again the ship shuddered; but this time she seemed to come ominously alive, her guns, which had been trained ahead, swivelling to come to bear on the lone thorn that had enraged the juggernaut.

The guns were almost in firing position when there came another blast- from the opposite side this time. It seemed to those watching that those on the ship were milling about in confusion for a moment. In the meantime, perhaps sensing the ship's gunner's hesitation, the first gun fired again-

'Get out of there!' Roman croaked as he watched, helpless. 'For the love of Dios, get out of there!'

-and again the gun fired; the other followed this time, almost simultaneously, causing the warship to lurch.

But the ship's gunners were experienced and past their initial confusion and surprise. The huge guns came to bear, even as the two cannoneers managed another volley- and then there was an eruption of fire from the ship, and the two guns and their enclosures, mounts and sections of wall and all, were pulverized into a hail of falling rock and debris, hung overall by a pall of acrid smoke that smelt of brimstone and gunpowder.

'Her nose is down in the water! Her nose is going down! We got her!'

'Everyone, keep it down!' Roman yelled, calling them all to silence. 'Look, they're abandoning ship! But they're a shipload of mercenaries- professional soldiers- trained killers! They're more dangerous than ever, now! And now, they have nothing left to lose! Look, they're already halfway to shore, and soon they will be within range-' he stopped himself, staring at the ship. Already the nose was going under, shuddered as it struck bottom, began to roll slightly as the rest of the ship began to submerge-

'Roman, she's out just far enough to sink her right up to her guns-'

'That's not quite deep enough. The tide is out,' he said grimly. 'For another six hours she will still have her teeth, though her gunners will be walking in water.'

Kara's brother stared in disbelief as the bow of their father's warship began to settle and the crew began lowering launches bristling with armed men.

'Look! She's settling on the bottom with her guns out of the water, but the tide's out yet! By morning when the tide returns she'll be swamped, and we will be able to get out of here!'

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