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The Resolution of Callie & Kayden (The Coincidence 6)

Page 47

She didn’t want him to be sad, though.

She wanted him to be happy.

The both of them.

But she had to wonder if maybe he could do more. Or maybe she had to do it herself. Maybe she was the one who had to be brave, to save herself.

Without even thinking, she started to lean in to kiss him, hoping she wouldn’t scare him. To her surprise, he leaned in, too, and the two of them met in the middle.

The joining of their lips didn’t set off an explosion of fireworks. There was no music announcing this was the starting point of their happily ever after. In fact, the light above them flickered off and there was nothing but darkness. But it couldn’t smother the light caused by the fire hidden deep inside each other’s hearts, a fire that could quite possibly burn forever if they chose to let it.

And it was a start.

To happiness.

To a life without monsters controlling them.

And really, that’s all both of them ever wanted.

Not a happily ever after.

Just a happy after.

I’m not sure how long I stare at the screen, deciding if that’s it, but I’m pretty sure it’s at least it for an hour. After the hour’s up, though, I decide I’m happy with it and save it in my portfolio file. Then I lean over to put my computer aside on the floor, not wanting to get out of bed and out from beneath the covers. The room is dark, the only light coming through the window of the door where I can see the moon up in the sky.

‘I forgot to give you your present,’ Kayden says so abruptly I let out a blood-curdling scream.

‘Oh my God, you scared me.’ I catch my breath through his hysterical laughing. ‘I thought you were asleep.’

‘No, I’ve been awake.’ He stifles his laughter and sits up, reaching for his duffel bag that’s beside the bed.

‘This entire time?’

He unzips the bag. ‘Yeah, I was watching you write.’

‘That sounds super boring.’ I lie down in the bed and turn on my side to face him.

‘Actually, it was super entertaining.’ He grabs something from his bag, flips on a lamp nearby, and then turns to me. There’s a small, silver box in his hand and a sparkle in his eyes. ‘Merry Christmas.’ He gives me the box as he lies back down beside me.

I wait a moment or two, trying not to think too hard about what’s in it. Finally, I just open it.

Then I stop breathing.

‘Oh my God, you didn’t have to do this …’ I whisper in awe.

‘I know I didn’t,’ Kayden says, watching me with a smile on his face, ‘but I wanted to.’

Inside the box is probably one of the coolest necklaces I’ve seen. It’s in no way traditional, which makes me love it even more. The silver pendant is shaped like a book, and when I pick it up, I noticed it’s engraved on the front with By Callie Lawrence. It also opens up like a locket but the inside is blank, like fresh pages ready to be stained with a story.

‘Do you like it?’ he finally asks and I realize that beneath his grin, he’s waiting for my approval.

‘It’s perfect,’ I say then lean over to kiss him.

‘Good,’ he says between kisses. ‘I’m glad you like it. It’s for when you write your story. To show I believe in you.’

I almost start crying right there. ‘I love it.’ I put the necklace on, promising to never take it off. Then I lie down and snuggle against him beneath the covers, feeling more content than I ever have.

I’m about to fall asleep when he asks, ‘Can I read it now?’

My eyelids lift open. ‘Read what?’

‘Your story,’ he says with a lopsided grin as he stares down at me expectantly. ‘I saw you type “The End.”’

I suddenly get nervous and my palms get so sweaty I have to wipe them off on the front of my shirt. ‘You want to read it right now?’

He nods enthusiastically. ‘I do.’

‘Um … okay.’ I turn over and reach for my laptop, feeling even more anxious. I hope he likes it, hope he understands it, because really, he’s half the story.

And one of the most important parts.

He tells me I can go to sleep while he reads it, but there’s no way I can shut my eyes. So I end up lying there, staring at all the patches in the ceiling until he finishes. I know the exact moment he does because I can hear his breathing quicken. Then he sets the laptop aside and rolls over to me. He just stares at me and I can’t read him at all.

‘So what’d you think?’ I ask, aiming for indifferent but ending up sounding like a bundle of nerves.

He’s silent for forever, each second passing almost painfully slow. ‘I think it’s beautiful and meaningful and real,’ he finally says, his tone radiating every emotion he’s feeling. ‘Although, I’m pretty sure ours gets a happily ever after.’

‘You think so?’ I ask with a soft smile. ‘Because that’s a big promise.’

His smile reflects mine. ‘No, I know so.’

And then he kisses me.

But this isn’t the end of our story just yet.

In fact, it kind of feels like the beginning.

Chapter 27

#103 Outrun Leave Your Inner Demons Behind and Find Your Love for the Game.


It’s the last game of the season and I’m feeling pretty good. Things have been amazing with Callie and I’ve been focusing on the future instead of the past. It’s been that way for the last month, ever since I said my goodbye. I’m not happy all the time, though, but then again no one ever is. I still feel the slightest bit of guilt and sadness whenever I think of my father and how it all ended, but that happens very rarely.

What almost always happens is that I’m happy, not just with Callie and mine’s relationship, but with myself. It took me forever to get to this place, to let go, but I’ve managed to find my own form of inner peace with all that happened to me. And I can honestly say that my life is great at the moment.

Right now, I’m fucking amped up, though, as I get ready to make the last play of the game. If we don’t make it, we lose, but I’m not betting on us losing, In fact, I can feel it in the air, in the hollers of the crowd, in the lights that are so fucking bright it’s blinding. From the fucking way that I’m loving every minute of this.

My team is lined up and I’m hunched over, waiting for the snap. My heart is thudding, my skin damp with sweat, my feet ready. And my mind …

Is silent.

I hear everything. From the sound of the footsteps, to my coach shouting something on the sidelines. I can also hear my own voice.

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