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The Resolution of Callie & Kayden (The Coincidence 6)

Page 36

‘For what?’

‘For scaring him away.’

Again, the girl almost smiled and she could have sworn the boy did, too.

‘You’re welcome,’ she replied, then the two of them stood there in the darkness, the distant lights from the castles seeming far away, but for the first time within reach.

I end up writing until my fingers ache and my eyes and brain feel like they’re bleeding. It’s the most tiring and satisfying feeling ever. By the time I’m getting out of the backseat to show Jackson my apartment, I feel high and can’t help but think, This is what I want forever. Just my computer, my tiny little apartment, and Kayden. I just wish I had him here with me right now.

‘So, who were you talking to on the phone the whole drive?’ I ask Jackson as we trudge up the stairway. It’s around noon, but the stormy sky makes it seem like it’s much later, along with the quiet of the apartment complex.

He shrugs, scratching at the back of his neck. ‘No one.’

‘It was your girlfriend, huh?’ I tease as I take my keys out of my bag.

He gapes at me. ‘How’d you know?’

‘Because of the way your voice sounded. All swoony.’ I clasp my hands together and make my best swoony impression. Jackson actually blushes and it’s so funny that I bust up laughing. ‘Oh my God. I can’t believe I’m just learning about her.’ I find the right key on the chain as we reach the door. ‘Do Mom and Dad know?’

‘No,’ he says quickly. ‘And I’d prefer it if you didn’t say anything for now. I’ve just started seeing her and I don’t want Mom to get too attached to the idea yet, considering how she is with that stuff.’

‘That doesn’t seem fair for me to do that, considering how much you teased me about Kayden in front of them the entire week.’ I stick the key in the lock and turn it, excited to be home.

‘Callie, please,’ he begs, which he never does.

It’s super funny, but I decide to be nice. ‘Fine. Mum’s the word.’ I push open the door and step back to let him in. ‘But lay off on the teasing me, okay?’

He nods as he steps inside.

‘So, this is where you live?’ my brother states as he makes a small circle around the living room. There’s not much to look at; a small suede couch we bought at a second-hand store, along with an entertainment center, and a brand-new television – that was the splurge. ‘It’s a good thing Mom let you take all that shit with us, huh?’

I breathe in that fresh home scent as I shut the door behind me. ‘Yeah, it was really nice of her.’

‘I’m just trying to figure out how we’re going to get all that furniture up here.’ Jackson glances at the window as he rubs his jawline. The window is webbed with frost and snowflakes are splattered against it. ‘Because the tarp’s not going to hold up if it keeps snowing like this and there’s no way I can carry it up here with you and your tiny, little arms.’

I pull a face, but then it go because he’s kind of right. ‘It’s been a really rough winter, hasn’t it?’ I plop down on the couch with the phone in my hand.

‘I wouldn’t know, since I live in sunny, awesome Florida.’ Jackson grins conceitedly as he sits down on the armrest. ‘When’s Kayden supposed to be here? He and I could probably get all that shit up the stairs. I’m just super fucking relieved you’re not on the third floor, although you should have picked the first floor.’

‘Kayden’s not going to be here until Monday evening,’ I tell him, opening my contacts to text Luke because he’s the only other strong guy I know. ‘And I didn’t pick the floor. Or the apartment really.’

He raises his eyebrows at me as he stuffs his hands into the pockets of his tan cargo pants. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I mean, Kayden picked this place out with Seth,’ I say with a shrug. ‘As a surprise for me.’

‘But he knew you wanted to move in with him, right? He didn’t just do it assuming?’ He almost seems like he’s asking for knowledge for himself, like maybe he’s thinking about doing it with his girlfriend or something.

‘Of course he knew I wanted to. I’d asked him a couple of weeks before then and he said he’d think about it, but then he surprised me with this.’ I gesture around at my palace proudly, even though Jackson looks unimpressed. But I don’t care. This is my palace and unlike the one in the story I’m writing, it doesn’t have vines and thorns, but warmth and promises of happiness.

He gives me this strange look that I can’t decipher.

‘What?’ I ask.

He shrugs. ‘It’s nothing.’

‘It is something; otherwise, you wouldn’t be looking at me like a weirdo.’

That gets him to laugh. ‘It really is nothing. I was just thinking about how you seem happy.’ His shoulders keep lifting and falling. ‘It’s nice, and you deserve it.’

‘Thanks, Jackson.’ I smile at him as I text Luke to see if he can come help.

‘Although, I have to say, I wouldn’t tell Mom that whole story of him surprising you,’ Jackson says. ‘She’ll think you’re getting engaged.’ He pauses then smirks at me. ‘Though, I wouldn’t be surprised if you did at the rate you two are going.’

‘Okay, Mom.’ I roll my eyes at him then laugh, but Jackson doesn’t join in.

‘Just giving you a head’s up,’ he tells me with a nonchalant lift of his shoulders. ‘You seem kind of clueless with this stuff.’

I’d be offended, but I’m too distracted by the other thing he said. Is that where Kayden and I are heading? Why have I never thought of this?

I probably would have sat there all day, stuck in my head, if my phone didn’t start going nuts in my hand.

Luke: Yeah, headed over. I’m not at my place, though, so it’ll take me just a little bit longer.

Me: K, thanks. I owe u one:)

I put my phone away then get to my feet. ‘I got you some non-tiny backup.’

My brother looks at me like I’ve lost my mind. ‘What the hell are you talking about?’

‘Luke’s coming over to help you move the heavy stuff in,’ I say, opening the front door. ‘But while we wait, this tiny little girl with her tiny little arms is going to go bring up what she can because she’s not as weak as she looks.’

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