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The Real Werewives of Vampire County (Guardians of Eternity #9)

Page 7

Regardless if it meant forcing her to accept his help.

And making an enemy of her in the bargain.

He hissed at the strangely painful thought, his hand shifting to trace the line of her slender throat.

“I got it, cara,” he gently assured her, “but it doesn’t change the fact that someone’s trying to hurt you.”

She made a sound of annoyance. “Which is why I hired a bodyguard.”

He smiled, his wolf smug as she allowed his fingers to savor the satin skin of her neck.

It was an intimate touch that spoke of trust. And to his wolf ... possession.

“So at least you agree that I’m hired?”

“I suppose,” she muttered. “God only knows what Troy would come up with next.”

“Good.” He ignored her blatant lack of enthusiasm. Once he was certain she was safe, he would concentrate on teaching her the pleasure of having him as her personal bodyguard. “Then tomorrow you pack a bag.”

He felt her heart leap beneath his fingers. “I beg your pardon?”

“I’m taking you to Miami.”

She swore, batting away his hand as her eyes glowed with a dangerous power.

“No way in hell.”

He swallowed his growl at her direct challenge. It was time for reasoning with the female, not ... what had she said? Going caveman on her?

“Once I know you’re out of the line of fire, I can concentrate on locating your homicidal neighbor.”



“No,” she repeated, an edge of finality in her voice. “I just moved into this house and started my business. I’m not going to run and hide like a gutless mist sprite.”

“It would only be for a few days.”

“You can’t know that.” She held his gaze, silently warning him she wouldn’t be screwed with. “It could take you weeks or even months.”

His teeth clenched. “Then stay with one of your daughters until I’ve cleared up this mess.”

“And put them in even more danger?” She shook her head. “No way.”

His fingers encircled her neck, not in a threat, just an expression of frustration.

“You are ...”

“The boss.”

Their gazes clashed and Luc swiftly shifted through his limited options.

He could physically force her to go to Miami. He had the brute strength and the training necessary to manhandle all but the king.

But even as the thought raced through his mind, he was dismissing it.

He knew without a doubt that turning her into his virtual prisoner, even if it was for her own good, would break something fragile inside her.

“Obstinada,” he breathed, leaning down to yank off his boots.

Then, ignoring her sudden scowl, he rose from the bed to strip off his T-shirt. He had tugged off his belt and was unzipping his pants when she found her voice.

“If you’re auditioning for a position at my club, I have to warn you we only take experienced dancers,” she rasped.

He shrugged, pulling down his pants and kicking them aside to stand in nothing but his black satin boxers.

“If the mountain won’t come to Mohammed ...”

“Then he gets kicked in his nuts?”

He stretched out on the mattress beside her, hiding a smile as he caught her covert gaze ogling his thickly muscled legs before lifting to linger on the broad expanse of his chest.

She might want him gone, but that didn’t keep her from lusting after his body.

And frankly he was good with that.

For now.

“I can’t protect you if I’m not close to you.”

“That doesn’t include sharing my bed.”

“As a matter of fact it does.” Lying on his back, he tucked his hands behind his head. “At least until I get a security system set up.”

She bent over him, her expression hard even if she couldn’t disguise the scent of her smoldering arousal.

“If you have to stay, then you can sleep in another room.”

“Too far.”

“Then use the chair.” She pointed toward the charcoal-gray chair set next to the window. “There’s an extra blanket in the closet.”

“What’s wrong, Sophia?” he teased. “Afraid you can’t keep yourself from jumping me in my sleep?”

Unexpectedly the emerald eyes darkened, as if he’d injured her.

“Despite the rumors you claim to have heard about me, I don’t spread my legs for every man who crosses my path,” she said stiffly.


Regretting his thoughtless words, he lifted himself onto his elbows, regarding her with a somber gaze.

“That was never a rumor I heard, and I wouldn’t believe it if I did.”

“Yeah, right.”

“Sophia, I’m here to protect you.” Her lips parted and he hastily pressed a finger to halt her angry words. “Hold on. I’m not going to insult your intelligence by denying that I want you.” He allowed his hunger to simmer in the air, the heat stirring the satin strands of her hair. “Desperately. Or that I’m going to say ‘no’ when you finally accept that I’m irresistible.” With an effort he leashed his aching desire, needing her to realize that she would always be safe in his care. Physically and emotionally. “But until that moment, I don’t expect anything from you but your cooperation in keeping you alive.”

Her expression remained suspicious. “You intend to spend the night with me and not have sex?”

Both wolf and man groaned at the mere thought of the long hours ahead, but his smile never wavered.

“I can keep our relationship platonic if you can.”

It was a direct challenge.

One no wolf could back down from.

Her jaw clenched. “The boxers stay on.”

His smile widened. “You’re the boss.”

Turning her back to him, she reached to switch off the Tiffany lamp.

“Christ, I must be out of my mind.”


It was late afternoon when Sophia woke.

Considering that dawn had already crested when she’d at last fallen asleep, it was no surprise she’d slept late.

It was, however, a surprise to realize that she was not only wrapped in Luc’s strong arms, but that she’d molded herself so tightly to his body that she might as well have been a damned barnacle on the bottom of a ship.

Her head was tucked beneath his chin, her ear pressed over the steady beat of his heart, and she had one leg thrown over his hip.


Sensing he was awake and well aware of her embarrassment, she tilted back her head, intending to slay him with a heated glare.

Instead she forgot how to breathe.

Holy ... shit, but he was beautiful.

Achingly, shatteringly beautiful.

Helplessly her gaze wandered over the chiseled male features that were only emphasized by his heavy morning beard and his tousled hair. The high cheekbones, the wide brow, the near-black eyes that could make a woman melt at a hundred paces.

It wasn’t until his lips parted to reveal the teeth that were shockingly white against his bronzed skin that she was reminded that she wanted to punch him in his perfect nose, not ...

Other things.

Wicked, delicious other things.

“If you intended to use this side of the bed you should have said so last night,” she informed him, shifting her hands from his back to press them against his chest.

He smiled at her with a lazy satisfaction. “You were the one who wanted me to be more sensitive.”

“I said I didn’t want you acting like a caveman,” she corrected. “Besides there’s nothing sensitive in groping me while I’m asleep.”

His hands drifted over her hips, touching her with a familiarity that should have been offensive, not exciting.

“You were whimpering and tossing around until I at last took you in my arms,” he claimed. “Once I had you tucked against me you slept like a baby.”

Her lips parted to deny his ridiculous claim, only to snap shut as a vague memory flashed through her mind—a nightmare in which she was being chased through a dark forest by an unseen enemy.

Muttering her opinion of arrogant Weres who should be neutered, she shoved her way out of his arms and headed toward her bathroom.

“I need a shower.”

“What about breakfast?”

“Do I look like Julia Child?” she demanded, pausing to send him a warning scowl. “Don’t even think about opening this door.”

He grinned, looking edible as he tucked his hands behind his head, the satin sheet falling down to reveal his wide chest and washboard abs.

“I could scrub your back.”

Fiercely refusing to allow the tempting image to form in her mind, Sophia slammed the door shut and turned the lock.

Not that she thought Luc would intrude into her privacy. He might be overbearing when it came to protecting her, but he would never force himself on an unwilling woman.

Why would he?

He no doubt had an entire harem waiting for him back in Miami.

Refusing to consider why that thought made her wolf snarl, Sophia yanked off her camisole and shorts before entering her shower and turning the cold water on full blast.

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