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The Real Werewives of Vampire County (Guardians of Eternity #9)

Page 64

“Remember to breathe,” her yogi said, pressing his hand into her lower back to force her to correct her posture.

With a slight nod, she took in the scent of sandalwood and musk, taking it through her mouth instead of her nose despite the taste it left on her tongue. She didn’t want to destroy her sense of smell for the rest of the day.

If there was a hunt, she might need it later.

Heather rushed about her home, getting her maid to tidy the house before sending her on an errand so the woman wouldn’t become suspicious or overhear the conversation once the other werewives and Tiffany arrived. She made sure she had plenty of alcohol on hand—she thought they might need it once the news was given.

She wasn’t looking forward to telling Cassandra that she’d stopped at the courthouse that morning to file the signed and notarized papers Tiffany had forgotten and left behind at dinner last night.

Tiffany had everything she intended to bring with her to Heather’s house spread out on her bed.

She wasn’t stupid. She knew Cassandra was reconsidering allowing her into the pack after all that Vera had said. The offer to meet again at Heather’s was what tipped her off. Neutral ground; a place she would hesitate to cause a scene, because the property belonged to a friend.

Tiffany had given careful thought to what she needed to bring with her, and felt that the netbook computer to play a video on, the photographs, and the piece of jewelry she’d stolen from Vera when the ladies left their clothing behind in the woods at Alexis’s party would serve her purposes admirably.

Though they had never said as much, the Diamondfangs had always worked under the radar of the press and the hunters, working through society’s elite. Its members would never want to be outed as real monsters lurking under the façades of ruthless businessmen and women—but now Tiffany knew who most of them were, and had the pictures and dossiers to prove their connections.

She would get what she wanted, or the werewives would be exposed to the world for the bitches they were.

Vera arrived early, papers tucked under her arm in a neat leather portfolio she’d also borrowed from her husband’s office. Heather was surprised to see her, but didn’t question it, figuring that it would most likely be for the best once she delivered her news. That way she could be present to deflect any immediate attack Vera might attempt.

Alexis was next, breezing inside with a calm, collected air and trailing the scent of incense behind her. The other girls wrinkled their noses at the stink, but she ignored them, dropping into the plush cushions of a couch. She kicked off her embossed leather Alaia sandals and swung her legs up onto the couch, lounging comfortably. Cassandra was not far behind, arriving only fifteen minutes after the scheduled meeting time. She drew off her Versace sunglasses once she was inside and tossed her Yves Saint Laurent purse on the couch next to Alexis, putting her hands on her hips.

“Hmph. She’s planning to be fashionably late again, I see.”

“She’ll be here soon,” Heather said, waggling her BlackBerry. “She sent me a text that she was running behind. Had to pick something up on the way, she said.”

Vera frowned, stalking over to a chair that gave her a good vantage of the rest of the room, as well as the front door, so she’d know the moment Tiffany arrived. Cassandra huffed and toyed with a few strands of her hair, giving the other girls a hint as to just how peeved she was by the whole situation.

Alexis gestured her over, tucking in her legs to make room. “Come on, Cassie. Come sit and relax. Breathe, darling. My instructor tells me that controlling your breathing is essential in learning how to control your life force. Or something like that.”

The other girls stared at her blankly.

“What?” she said, frowning at the looks they were giving her. “It’s part of the road to spiritual development. That’s very important, you know.”

“Oh, whatever,” Cassandra said, rolling her eyes before tucking her skirt under her and settling primly on the edge of the cushions. “Heather, be a love and get the drinks started, would you? I have the feeling we’re all going to need them before this is over.”

By the time Heather returned with the drinks, Tiffany was just pulling into the driveway. The other girls feigned indifference, but the amber glow to their irises and tension in the set of their shoulders gave them away. Tiffany brought a Claire Chase messenger bag in addition to her purse, tucking the strap over her shoulder before striding with her head held high to meet with the werewives inside.

Heather met her at the door, showing her into the room and seating her as far as was polite from Vera as was possible. The two ladies glared daggers at each other, but were civil enough to exchange tight nods, never taking their eyes off one another.

“Well,” Tiffany said, pausing to sip at the Long Island iced tea—heavy on the rum—that Heather had pushed into her hand, “now that I’m here, I’m not sure where to begin.”

Cassandra cleared her throat. “Tiffany, you know that we all like spending time with you and having you here—”

“All of you?”

Vera smirked at Tiffany’s pointed look, her lip gloss adding an extra sparkle to that killer smile.

“You know what I mean. Now, you know what we are. By your own admission, you’ve known for a while. While we certainly appreciate your desire to join us, I’m sure you can understand why we might be hesitant to let someone with your ... background ... join our ranks.”

Tiffany turned her disapproving look from Vera to Cassandra, her frown deepening. Cassandra didn’t give, meeting her gaze without flinching, and holding it as an uncomfortable silence stretched out between them. Tiffany would neither acknowledge nor deny that she was a threat, while Cassandra wouldn’t let her ignore the possibility any longer.

While their bodies tensed and gazes narrowed, Alexis sat up, and Heather chewed on her lower lip as the two had their stare down.

As it seemed neither was willing to break the silence and put an end to the silent contest of wills, Vera cut in by dropping her file folder on the coffee table with a crack sharp enough to draw all eyes.

“I believe what she’s trying to say is, your past history does not make you a suitable candidate for our pack.”

Tiffany ground her teeth, setting her drink aside with some care and leaning forward in her seat to point an accusatory finger at Vera. “You don’t know the first thing about me, Vera, and don’t pretend otherwise. None of you, not even Heather, knows me well enough to make that kind of assumption.”

“Oh really?” Vera purred. “Then, by all means, enlighten us about these.”

With that, Vera opened the file and spread the newspaper articles and accompanying photographs over the coffee table for all to see.

The headlines of the articles screamed about the injustices and property damage caused by illegal battles between humans and Others. The anti-Other groups had picketed Other-sympathetic businesses, destroyed entire buildings, and killed several vampires and werewolves without valid warrants. Interspersed with the articles were pictures. Irrefutable pictures of Tiffany showing her allegiance as a White Hat, with the trademark white cowboy hat pin attached to her lapel in every one.

Protest marches. Riots. One even showed her with several other White Hats on the run from police dressed in full riot gear, a flaming building in the background. Surrounded by others like her, all wearing the same pins or logo emblazoned on their shirts.

Tiffany whitened under the bronze shimmer of her foundation, her lips pressed into a thin line as all eyes turned to her.


Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.

—Kurt Cobain

“I’ve said before that I’ve made mistakes,” Tiffany said, avoiding the accusatory looks from the rest of the ladies by staring down at the photos spread on the table in front of her. Heather was particularly incensed, her balled fists and clenched teeth betraying her raw anger and hurt. “I have no good excuse for those pictures. They were taken while I was still married to my husband—”

“So you admit you hunted us before?” Vera’s tone was triumphant and poisonously sweet, her nail polish fracturing as the tips of her fingers grew into claws.

Tiffany looked up and met Vera’s yellow eyes with her own icy blue ones, baring her teeth in the semblance of a smile. Slowly, deliberately, she reached down to the messenger bag at her feet. The others tensed, ready to react if she pulled a weapon—but all she withdrew was a tiny laptop.

“Vera, I’ve said a number of times already that I haven’t participated in that lifestyle for quite a while. Though I suppose that’s not entirely true.”

As Tiffany spoke, she booted up the netbook, searching for a file. Though wary, the other women watched her without interrupting, four pairs of glowing amber irises focused with single-minded intensity on her every move.

“You see, I realized early on that you were going to make things difficult for me. I prepared for this eventuality the only way I knew how—using skills I earned while working with my ex-husband. I do want to caution you all that this is not the only copy, and that if something happens to me or you do not reconsider your actions and my future place in your pack, this video will be uploaded onto YouTube and forwarded to every TV station in the country.”

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