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The Princess of Cleves

Page 89

Everyone went to Court to enquire after the King's health, and

Monsieur de Cleves came home at certain times to give her an account of

it; he behaved himself to her in the same manner he used to do, except

when they were alone, and then there appeared something of coldness and

reserve: he had not spoke to her again concerning what had passed, nor

had she power, nor did she think it convenient to resume the discourse

of it. The Duke de Nemours, who had waited for an opportunity of speaking to

Madam de Cleves, was surprised and afflicted not to have had so much as

the pleasure to see her. The King's illness increased so much, that

the seventh day he was given over by the physicians; he received the

news of the certainty of his death with an uncommon firmness of mind;

which was the more to be admired, considering that he lost his life by

so unfortunate an accident, that he died in the flower of his age,

happy, adored by his people, and beloved by a mistress he was

desperately in love with. The evening before his death he caused

Madame his sister to be married to the Duke of Savoy without ceremony.

One may judge what condition the Duchess of Valentinois was in; the

Queen would not permit her to see the King, but sent to demand of her

the King's signets, and the jewels of the crown which she had in her


The Duchess enquired if the King was dead, and being

answered, "No"; "I have then as yet no other matter," said she, "and

nobody can oblige me to restore what he has trusted in my hands." As

soon as the King expired at Chateau de Toumelles, the Duke of Ferrara,

the Duke of Guise, and the Duke de Nemours conducted the Queen-Mother,

the New King and the Queen-Consort to the Louvre. The Duke de Nemours

led the Queen-Mother. As they began to march, she stepped back a

little, and told the Queen her daughter-in-law, it was her place to go

first; but it was easy to see, that there was more of spleen than

decorum in this compliment.

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