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The Phantom of the Opera

Page 175


That Mr. Leroux has used, for the scene of his story, the Paris Opera

House as it really is and has not created a building out of his

imagination, is shown by this interesting description of it taken from

an article which appeared in Scribner's Magazine in 1879, a short time

after the building was completed: "The new Opera House, commenced under the Empire and finished under the

Republic, is the most complete building of the kind in the world and in

many respects the most beautiful. No European capital possesses an

opera house so comprehensive in plan and execution, and none can boast

an edifice equally vast and splendid.

"The site of the Opera House was chosen in 1861. It was determined to

lay the foundation exceptionally deep and strong. It was well known

that water would be met with, but it was impossible to foresee at what

depth or in what quantity it would be found. Exceptional depth also

was necessary, as the stage arrangements were to be such as to admit a

scene fifty feet high to be lowered on its frame. It was therefore

necessary to lay a foundation in a soil soaked with water which should

be sufficiently solid to sustain a weight of 22,000,000 pounds, and at

the same time to be perfectly dry, as the cellars were intended for the

storage of scenery and properties. While the work was in progress, the

excavation was kept free from water by means of eight pumps, worked by

steam power, and in operation, without interruption, day and night,

from March second to October thirteenth. The floor of the cellar was

covered with a layer of concrete, then with two coats of cement,

another layer of concrete and a coat of bitumen. The wall includes an

outer wall built as a coffer-dam, a brick wall, a coat of cement, and a

wall proper, a little over a yard thick. After all this was done the

whole was filled with water, in order that the fluid, by penetrating

into the most minute interstices, might deposit a sediment which would

close them more surely and perfectly than it would be possible to do by

hand. Twelve years elapsed before the completion of the building, and

during that time it was demonstrated that the precautions taken secured

absolute impermeability and solidity.

"The events of 1870 interrupted work just as it was about to be

prosecuted most vigorously, and the new Opera House was put to new and

unexpected uses. During the siege, it was converted into a vast

military storehouse and filled with a heterogeneous mass of goods.

After the siege the building fell into the hands of the Commune and the

roof was turned into a balloon station. The damage done, however, was


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