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The Phantom of the Opera

Page 151

I did my best to induce the poor viscount to listen to reason. I made

him touch the mirrors and the iron tree and the branches and explained

to him, by optical laws, all the luminous imagery by which we were

surrounded and of which we need not allow ourselves to be the victims,

like ordinary, ignorant people.

"We are in a room, a little room; that is what you must keep saying to

yourself. And we shall leave the room as soon as we have found the


And I promised him that, if he let me act, without disturbing me by

shouting and walking up and down, I would discover the trick of the

door in less than an hour's time.

Then he lay flat on the floor, as one does in a wood, and declared that

he would wait until I found the door of the forest, as there was

nothing better to do! And he added that, from where he was, "the view

was splendid!" The torture was working, in spite of all that I had


Myself, forgetting the forest, I tackled a glass panel and began to

finger it in every direction, hunting for the weak point on which to

press in order to turn the door in accordance with Erik's system of

pivots. This weak point might be a mere speck on the glass, no larger

than a pea, under which the spring lay hidden. I hunted and hunted. I

felt as high as my hands could reach. Erik was about the same height

as myself and I thought that he would not have placed the spring higher

than suited his stature.

While groping over the successive panels with the greatest care, I

endeavored not to lose a minute, for I was feeling more and more

overcome with the heat and we were literally roasting in that blazing


I had been working like this for half an hour and had finished three

panels, when, as ill-luck would have it, I turned round on hearing a

muttered exclamation from the viscount.

"I am stifling," he said. "All those mirrors are sending out an

infernal heat! Do you think you will find that spring soon? If you

are much longer about it, we shall be roasted alive!"

I was not sorry to hear him talk like this. He had not said a word of

the forest and I hoped that my companion's reason would hold out some

time longer against the torture. But he added: "What consoles me is that the monster has given Christine until eleven

to-morrow evening. If we can't get out of here and go to her

assistance, at least we shall be dead before her! Then Erik's mass can

serve for all of us!"

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