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The Phantom of the Opera

Page 125

"From the third cellar, from which we were so unluckily driven away.

We will go back there now ... I will tell you," said the Persian, with

a sudden change in his voice, "I will tell you the exact place, sir: it

is between a set piece and a discarded scene from ROI DE LAHORE,

exactly at the spot where Joseph Buquet died... Come, sir, take

courage and follow me! And hold your hand at the level of your eyes!

... But where are we?"

The Persian lit his lamp again and flung its rays down two enormous

corridors that crossed each other at right angles.

"We must be," he said, "in the part used more particularly for the

waterworks. I see no fire coming from the furnaces."

He went in front of Raoul, seeking his road, stopping abruptly when he

was afraid of meeting some waterman. Then they had to protect

themselves against the glow of a sort of underground forge, which the

men were extinguishing, and at which Raoul recognized the demons whom

Christine had seen at the time of her first captivity.

In this way, they gradually arrived beneath the huge cellars below the

stage. They must at this time have been at the very bottom of the

"tub" and at an extremely great depth, when we remember that the earth

was dug out at fifty feet below the water that lay under the whole of

that part of Paris.[4] The Persian touched a partition-wall and said: "If I am not mistaken, this is a wall that might easily belong to the

house on the lake."

He was striking a partition-wall of the "tub," and perhaps it would be

as well for the reader to know how the bottom and the partition-walls

of the tub were built. In order to prevent the water surrounding the

building-operations from remaining in immediate contact with the walls

supporting the whole of the theatrical machinery, the architect was

obliged to build a double case in every direction. The work of

constructing this double case took a whole year. It was the wall of

the first inner case that the Persian struck when speaking to Raoul of

the house on the lake. To any one understanding the architecture of

the edifice, the Persian's action would seem to indicate that Erik's

mysterious house had been built in the double case, formed of a thick

wall constructed as an embankment or dam, then of a brick wall, a

tremendous layer of cement and another wall several yards in thickness.

At the Persian's words, Raoul flung himself against the wall and

listened eagerly. But he heard nothing ... nothing ... except distant

steps sounding on the floor of the upper portions of the theater.

The Persian darkened his lantern again.

"Look out!" he said. "Keep your hand up! And silence! For we shall

try another way of getting in."

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