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The Phantom of the Opera

Page 106

Moncharmin's last phrase so dearly expressed the suspicion in which he

now held his partner that it was bound to cause a stormy explanation,

at the end of which it was agreed that Richard should yield to all

Moncharmin's wishes, with the object of helping him to discover the

miscreant who was victimizing them.

This brings us to the interval after the Garden Act, with the strange

conduct observed by M. Remy and those curious lapses from the dignity

that might be expected of the managers. It was arranged between

Richard and Moncharmin, first, that Richard should repeat the exact

movements which he had made on the night of the disappearance of the

first twenty-thousand francs; and, second, that Moncharmin should not

for an instant lose sight of Richard's coat-tail pocket, into which

Mme. Giry was to slip the twenty-thousand francs.

M. Richard went and placed himself at the identical spot where he had

stood when he bowed to the under-secretary for fine arts. M.

Moncharmin took up his position a few steps behind him.

Mme. Giry passed, rubbed up against M. Richard, got rid of her

twenty-thousand francs in the manager's coat-tail pocket and

disappeared ... Or rather she was conjured away. In accordance with

the instructions received from Moncharmin a few minutes earlier,

Mercier took the good lady to the acting-manager's office and turned

the key on her, thus making it impossible for her to communicate with

her ghost.

Meanwhile, M. Richard was bending and bowing and scraping and walking

backward, just as if he had that high and mighty minister, the

under-secretary for fine arts, before him. Only, though these marks of

politeness would have created no astonishment if the under-secretary of

state had really been in front of M. Richard, they caused an easily

comprehensible amazement to the spectators of this very natural but

quite inexplicable scene when M. Richard had no body in front of him.

M. Richard bowed ... to nobody; bent his back ... before nobody; and

walked backward ... before nobody ... And, a few steps behind him, M.

Moncharmin did the same thing that he was doing in addition to pushing

away M. Remy and begging M. de La Borderie, the ambassador, and the

manager of the Credit Central "not to touch M. le Directeur."

Moncharmin, who had his own ideas, did not want Richard to come to him

presently, when the twenty-thousand francs were gone, and say: "Perhaps it was the ambassador ... or the manager of the Credit Central

... or Remy."

The more so as, at the time of the first scene, as Richard himself

admitted, Richard had met nobody in that part of the theater after Mme.

Giry had brushed up against him...

Having begun by walking backward in order to bow, Richard continued to

do so from prudence, until he reached the passage leading to the

offices of the management. In this way, he was constantly watched by

Moncharmin from behind and himself kept an eye on any one approaching

from the front. Once more, this novel method of walking behind the

scenes, adopted by the managers of our National Academy of Music,

attracted attention; but the managers themselves thought of nothing but

their twenty-thousand francs.

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