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The Phantom of the Opera

Page 10

The truth is that no one ever knew how Joseph Buquet met his death.

The verdict at the inquest was "natural suicide." In his Memoirs of

Manager, M. Moncharmin, one of the joint managers who succeeded MM.

Debienne and Poligny, describes the incident as follows: "A grievous accident spoiled the little party which MM. Debienne and

Poligny gave to celebrate their retirement. I was in the manager's

office, when Mercier, the acting-manager, suddenly came darting in. He

seemed half mad and told me that the body of a scene-shifter had been

found hanging in the third cellar under the stage, between a farm-house

and a scene from the Roi de Lahore. I shouted: "'Come and cut him down!' "By the time I had rushed down the staircase and the Jacob's ladder,

the man was no longer hanging from his rope!"

So this is an event which M. Moncharmin thinks natural. A man hangs at

the end of a rope; they go to cut him down; the rope has disappeared.

Oh, M. Moncharmin found a very simple explanation! Listen to him: "It was just after the ballet; and leaders and dancing-girls lost no

time in taking their precautions against the evil eye."

There you are! Picture the corps de ballet scuttling down the Jacob's

ladder and dividing the suicide's rope among themselves in less time

than it takes to write! When, on the other hand, I think of the exact

spot where the body was discovered--the third cellar underneath the

stage!--imagine that SOMEBODY must have been interested in seeing that

the rope disappeared after it had effected its purpose; and time will

show if I am wrong.

The horrid news soon spread all over the Opera, where Joseph Buquet was

very popular. The dressing-rooms emptied and the ballet-girls,

crowding around Sorelli like timid sheep around their shepherdess, made

for the foyer through the ill-lit passages and staircases, trotting as

fast as their little pink legs could carry them.

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