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The Marcelli Princess

Page 23

Mia heard the words and knew their truth, but she didn't want to listen. She didn't want to think about how much Danny wanted Rafael there. She turned to her brother. "Joe?"

"I hate that she's right, too," he said quietly. "I want to tell him to go to hell and maybe even help him along, but he's the kid's father and we can't undo that." He paused for a second. "Sam and I will make some calls. We'll talk to a few people and get more security here. I would like to think Rafael is smart enough not to try to take Danny, but I wouldn't bet on it."

"I can help, too," Zach said.

Mia turned to Katie's husband. "You mean legally?"

"Sure. There are laws in place to prevent a child from being taken out of the country. Danny being the heir to a throne might complicate things, but he's only four. That should be in our favor. Plus Rafael tried to trick you instead of seeking a straightforward custody agreement. One of the lawyers in my office is an expert on child abduction. Let me get her working on this."

"Thank you," Mia told him. "That would be great."

"I can get my sister to call the attorney general," Darcy said. "Lauren's dating her son."

"Talk about friends in high places," Mia said, feeling her insides shake as a dozen emotions washed through her. "I really appreciate all of you rallying around. I would hate to go through this alone."

Katie joined Francesca, who pulled Mia to her feet. The sisters hugged.

"This is going to be fine," Katie told her. "You'll see. As you said, you're not alone. You have us, and hey, we're the Marcellis."

Brenna joined them. "You have to stay strong. Don't go beating yourself up about this. Whatever happens, it's never wrong to fall in love."

Mia appreciated the sentiment, even if she didn't believe it. "Falling in love might not be wrong," she said, "but sometimes it's pretty damned stupid."

* * *

The hotel was not to Rafael's liking. Despite the fact that Oliver and Umberto had paid off enough guests to claim an entire wing, Rafael still hated to be in such a public place. He disliked the location, on the edge of a busy highway, the flowering plants that seemed to overrun the place, and most of all he hated that he was here at all.

He paced the length of his suite, ignoring the floral wallpaper and matching drapes and bedspread. The owner had been delighted to show him all the amenities of the suite, but Rafael had not so politely closed the door in her face. What did he care about blow-dryers and heated towel racks when everything of importance had gone terribly wrong?

He had no one to blame but himself. He hated to admit that, but it was true. He'd grown complacent. He should never have called his father from the house. He knew better. Until that last call, he had been very careful.

He paused by the window and stared out at the distant view of the ocean. Mia's fury had burned with a fire so bright, he'd expected the house to ignite. He wasn't sure he'd ever seen her that angry before. In truth, he couldn't blame her for her feelings. A part of him disliked that he had hurt her. She was angry now, but later there would be tears and he would not be there to comfort her.

Comfort? What was he thinking? He had to remember his goal and how his plan had failed.

He had now shown his hand and she would be on guard against him. No doubt her entire family would be upset when she told them what she'd overheard.

He tightened his hands into fists and cursed himself for forgetting Mia's ability with languages. When he'd heard footsteps in the hallway, he'd reacted without thinking. Better to have ended the call, but no. He'd switched to a language he'd been sure Grandma Tessa would not understand. He had not suspected the footsteps were Mia's.

Oliver knocked on the open door. "Everything is taken care of, your highness. We have all the rooms on this floor. Umberto is running background checks on the other guests, but there is no reason to suspect any of them."


"I have arranged for the menus of local restaurants to be delivered. When you are ready, one of us will order your meal and then go get it."

He nodded. "Thank you for your efficiency."

Oliver nodded. "Sir, I do not mean to presume, but perhaps it would be best to simply take the child. We could go tonight and be well on our way to Calandria before anyone knew he was gone."

"An excellent plan," Rafael said. "If we had used it that first night. Now it will not be possible. Mia's brother is more highly trained than you and Umberto. Her brother-in-law Sam is a security expert. We would not be successful."

Oliver's silence indicated he agreed with Rafael's assessment. "Perhaps a diplomatic solution," he offered. "If our ambassador spoke with the president."

"I doubt the president will be available anytime soon. You forget Joe's wife is the president's daughter. She already will have called her father. It is what I would have done. They are not fools, which is unfortunate for us."

He had been the only fool. He hated that he'd been caught. Damn Mia for being the kind of woman who would make this all difficult. He'd meant what he said— he would not have kept her from Daniel. The boy was the heir to Calandria. He belonged with his people. But would she ever see that? Would she ever be sensible?

Would she ever forgive him?

"I will come up with a plan," he said at last. "There is a way and I will find it. I always win."


Mia sat on the back steps of the house and waited for the limo. Joe had offered to do it for her, but she wanted to look Rafael in the eyes while she explained the new rules in play. Not that she was alone. Thanks to Joe and Sam, there were at least a dozen security personnel around the house, and Joe hovered nearby.

Anger and hurt still defined her existence, but she was learning to live with the pain and regret, along with the constant ache in her heart. Knowing she had only herself to blame was both a blessing and curse. On the one hand, she could have very heated conversations with herself about what went wrong and vow never to be that stupid again. On the other hand, no one else really understood what she was going through.

She drew in a deep breath and was pleased to feel somewhat in control. No more tears— at least not in public— and no more outbursts. She was going to stay in charge and that meant keeping her emotions in check.

The trick was not to think too much. Not to remember how she'd given her heart to a man who had betrayed her.

The long black limo pulled into the driveway. Mia stood. Joe was at her side in an instant, along with six of the guards. As the car moved closer, Mia saw Umberto behind the wheel. Which meant Oliver was in back. Unless Rafael had brought in reinforcements.

"You made sure he wouldn't have other security, right?" she asked Joe.

He patted her back. "Of course. Everything has been negotiated, from the time he could arrive to how many of my men would be on his men. He knows what will happen if he steps out of line."

"You'll kill him?" she asked brightly.

"No, I'll beat the crap out of him and then I'll make him leave."

Not nearly good enough, she thought as the rear door of the limo opened and Oliver stepped out.

Joe motioned to one of his men. Oliver was searched. The same thing happened to Umberto when he exited the vehicle. Mia tensed as Rafael stepped into the afternoon sunlight.

Damn the man, he looked perfect. Well dressed, but casual, still handsome. She half expected to see horns or cloven feet, but there was only his brown hair and expensive leather loafers. His blue eyes seemed as compelling as always and very specific parts of her body were all too happy to have him in close proximity.

"Mia," he said with a slight bow of his head.

"Judas." She took a step toward him and squared her shoulders. "Just so we're all clear, you are being allowed onto this property because it is your son's fourth birthday and he wants you here. The reason he wants you here is because I didn't tell him what a lying weasel you are. As you can see, you are severely outnumbered. The guards have been ordered to shoot to kill if you try anything."

That last bit was a lie, but she didn't care. Let him be afraid.

"You wouldn't kill me," he said calmly. "My being dead doesn't solve your problem. Daniel is still the heir."

"True, but your death gets rid of you, and for now that's enough."

"You wouldn't risk the life of your son with flying bullets."

"You want to make this about logistics, I'm making a point. You are not welcome here. No one likes you or trusts you. One false move and you are gone."

Joe moved in. "A little FYI— there are more than a dozen security guards on duty."

Rafael shrugged. "As you wish. I didn't think I was as dangerous as all that. You are taking this very seriously, Mia."

His casual attitude made her wish for long nails and a decent shot at his eyes. "You tried to steal my son. It doesn't get more serious than that."

Rafael drew in a breath. "I am sorry you are so angry and I am sorry I hurt you. That was never my intent. I should have told you the truth from the beginning."

"Do you think any of that matters?" she asked, furious he would think an apology would make a difference.

"I was never going to keep you from him. You would have been able to see him whenever you liked."

"How very generous you are. Give me a moment to catch my breath from the wonderfulness of you."

His eyes narrowed. "You do not accept my apology?"

"Not even if it came with a couple of diamonds on a gold plate. The only thing you're sorry about is getting caught before you could put your plan into action. You used me and my family. We trusted you, we believed you, and you repaid us with deception."

Anger was good, she thought. Anger kept the pain at bay.

She moved right in front of him and poked him in the center of his chest. "I will never trust you again. There is nothing you can say or do that will make me believe a word you say. You played me for a fool. I'll give you points for originality and effort. You did a hell of a job and told a great story. But you had your chance and you blew it. I don't know what would have happened if you'd been honest. It's something we'll never know. I despise you and I hate that you're Danny's father. I will do what is right because I love my son. But you are never getting a piece of me again."

She turned on her heel and walked away. Rafael watched her go. Even as he resented the situation, he found himself admiring the power of her convictions and the grace in her movements.

She was, he admitted to himself, quite a woman. Also, she was much more angry than he had thought she would be. Daniel was his heir— what did she expect him to do? Allow his son to be raised here? Away from his people?

"Impossible," he muttered.

Joe smiled insincerely. "That's what we were saying about you. The party is this way."

Rafael followed him around to the side of the house, where several large tables had been set up in the shade. There were a dozen or so children, most likely from Danny's school, a few parents, and much of the Marcelli clan. He recognized Brenna and her husband, Joe's wife, Francesca, and, of course, the Grands.

They were all watching him as if waiting for him to pull out a weapon and hold them all hostage. He saw the anger in their eyes and knew that he didn't have to deal with just Mia's rage.

"Daddy, Daddy!" Danny raced toward him.

Rafael crouched down and reached for the boy. Daniel crashed into him and wrapped his arms around Rafael's neck.

For a moment, Rafael hugged him just as tightly.

"I missed you," Danny said. "Why'd you go away?"

He didn't have an answer for that, and oddly, he found he couldn't speak. His throat felt tight and thick. ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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