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The Marble Faun Volume 2

Page 36

"You make me tremble," said Donatello, "by your bold aspersion of men

who have devoted themselves to God's service!"

"They serve neither God nor man, and themselves least of all, though

their motives be utterly selfish," replied Kenyon. "Avoid the convent,

my dear friend, as you would shun the death of the soul! But, for my own

part, if I had an insupportable burden,--if, for any cause, I were

bent upon sacrificing every earthly hope as a peace-offering towards

Heaven,--I would make the wide world my cell, and good deeds to mankind

my prayer. Many penitent men have done this, and found peace in it."

"Ah, but you are a heretic!" said the Count.

Yet his face brightened beneath the stars; and, looking at it through

the twilight, the sculptor's remembrance went back to that scene in the

Capitol, where, both in features and expression, Donatello had seemed

identical with the Faun. And still there was a resemblance; for now,

when first the idea was suggested of living for the welfare of his

fellow-creatures, the original beauty, which sorrow had partly effaced,

came back elevated and spiritualized. In the black depths the Faun had

found a soul, and was struggling with it towards the light of heaven.

The illumination, it is true, soon faded out of Donatello's face. The

idea of lifelong and unselfish effort was too high to be received by

him with more than a momentary comprehension. An Italian, indeed,

seldom dreams of being philanthropic, except in bestowing alms among the

paupers, who appeal to his beneficence at every step; nor does it

occur to him that there are fitter modes of propitiating Heaven than

by penances, pilgrimages, and offerings at shrines. Perhaps, too, their

system has its share of moral advantages; they, at all events, cannot

well pride themselves, as our own more energetic benevolence is apt to

do, upon sharing in the counsels of Providence and kindly helping out

its otherwise impracticable designs.

And now the broad valley twinkled with lights, that glimmered through

its duskiness like the fireflies in the garden of a Florentine palace. A

gleam of lightning from the rear of the tempest showed the circumference

of hills and the great space between, as the last cannon-flash of a

retreating army reddens across the field where it has fought. The

sculptor was on the point of descending the turret stair, when,

somewhere in the darkness that lay beneath them, a woman's voice was

heard, singing a low, sad strain.

"Hark!" said he, laying his hand on Donatello's arm.

And Donatello had said "Hark!" at the same instant.

The song, if song it could be called, that had only a wild rhythm, and

flowed forth in the fitful measure of a wind-harp, did not clothe itself

in the sharp brilliancy of the Italian tongue. The words, so far as they

could be distinguished, were German, and therefore unintelligible to the

Count, and hardly less so to the sculptor; being softened and molten,

as it were, into the melancholy richness of the voice that sung them. It

was as the murmur of a soul bewildered amid the sinful gloom of earth,

and retaining only enough memory of a better state to make sad music

of the wail, which would else have been a despairing shriek. Never was

there profounder pathos than breathed through that mysterious voice;

it brought the tears into the sculptor's eyes, with remembrances and

forebodings of whatever sorrow he had felt or apprehended; it made

Donatello sob, as chiming in with the anguish that he found unutterable,

and giving it the expression which he vaguely sought.

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