The Lighted Match
Page 121The Pretender sat silent, frightened, vacillating.
"And," went on Jusseret calmly, "there was one other suggestion which I
shall make, if Your Majesty will permit me the liberty."
"Touching Your Majesty's marriage--"
"Yes--Marie is also in some hurry about that. What is the devilish
haste? One can be married at any time."
Monsieur Jusseret rose and began drawing on his gloves.
"Of course if Your Majesty sees fit, a morganatic marriage with the
Countess Astaride would be entirely advisable--but for the Queen of
Galavia, Europe will insist on a stronger alliance; on a union with more
royal blood."
Louis came to his feet in astonishment.
"You dare suggest that?" he exclaimed. "You, who have been her ally and
used her aid!"
"Pardon me--I suggest nothing. I repeat to Your Majesty, as the very
humble mouthpiece of France, the sentiment of the governments, without
whose recognition your dynasty can hardly stand."