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The Kiss that Saved Her

Page 24

Samuel recovered fully and Joanna sent word to General Stuart that the Prince was leaving soon. She feared that she would not see Samuel again until the winter was over. It would be their last day together. The villa’s staff packed and cleaned. Joanna had the staff make her and Samuel a picnic lunch as she did not want to watch all the activity. The sun was out in full force and the pair rode horses across the empty fields. It was a warm day for autumn. They cantered a bit farther and ended up near a stream. She dismounted from her horse then walked to find a nice spot for the picnic while Samuel retrieved the long picnic basket. He emptied the basket and then turned it upside down and it became a table for them. He set it within their reach on the ground next to the blanket and put the food on top of it. She took off her gloves and even her wrap as it was too hot for them in the afternoon sun. He took off his coat and rolled up his long sleeves while she sat down on the blanket. The maids had packed bread, butter, and cheeses. Samuel sat beside her and she handed him a plate of food. “I love this place,” Samuel remarked as he began to eat. “I do too, though I have only been here once before.” She took some bread. “Only once? I find that difficult to believe. It is so serene here.” “Once my father married my stepmother, I no longer went on any excursions. I wasn’t supposed to stay in Bow for very long after I grew up anyway.” Joanna took a bite. “You were not groomed to rule?” Samuel seemed surprised. “Oh, no. Were you?” “No, I mean I had a cursory education, of course, but I am fourth in line; there is no real expectation for me to rule. As you are an only child, I find it strange.” “I suppose that Father hoped to have a son with my stepmother and they were only married for a few years when he died, so it was probable that they may have eventually had one…” She stopped for a moment. A sadness over the memory lingered for just a second, then it passed. “Besides, I have many cousins and uncles.” Joanna finished her bread and set the plate to her side. “What were you groomed for?” He studied her. “To marry! I learned to dance, had lessons about the kingdoms, and was taught about social graces.” “Were you told whom you would marry? The Duke of Seine perhaps?” He needed to see her reaction. “Why do you think that?” “I suppose because he is your cousin, and in my kingdom we do marry cousins.” “Actually, I was told by General Stuart that I was to marry a prince from your kingdom.” She glanced at him. “My kingdom? That is a surprise to me.” “I think the line of thinking went that I would marry to prevent a war, and we were almost at war with your kingdom when my stepmother lived.” “Which of the Princes of Ott would you have married?” “I do not know, I never was told.” Her hand flew to her cheek for a moment. “What if it was me?” He waited on her reply. “I think that you would be a fine husband!” She meant what she said. “Are you certain?” “Yes, Samuel, I am certain that you would be a good husband.” Samuel seemed pleased at her answer. After a moment he asked her, “What about the Duke of Seine?” “I don’t know what type of husband he would be, I think you will have to ask Princess Ella. I had heard a report that you were engaged to her once.” “I will not see her again since she is now engaged to the Duke of Seine.” He shifted his leg and put down his plate on top of the basket. “Tell me, Joanna, when did you learn of their engagement?” She understood why he asked. She moved her plate to the top of the basket next to his and folded her hands across her lap. “Duke William told me before you saw us together at the church yard.” She would tell Samuel the truth. “And you allowed him to kiss you still, in public, I might add, when you knew him to be engaged to another woman!” Samuel’s eyes darted to hers and she felt the cool judgment. “Is this conversation to chastise me or to protect the Princess of Segal?” Joanna glanced away as she did not wish for a lecture. “It is a serious flaw to break up an engagement.” His head bobbed as if it could catch her gaze. “An arranged engagement by his parents!” “I see, thank you for enlightening me of the ways of the world! Could not the Duke refuse?” “Are you more upset that you lost the Princess, or Duke William won her?” She touched her hair. “I was not aware that marriage is a game, as you seem to view it as such.” Joanna’s mouth opened in surprise. “That is an unfair accusation, and you know it, Samuel!” “You are right, it is, I am sorry.” He placed his hand on his head briefly. “William is a passionate man and I should not have allowed myself to be swept away by his charms and flattery.” “William! Why do you say his name so?” “I call you Samuel!” “He will be married soon and you should call him the Duke of Seine! He will be far richer than me too when he marries Princess Ella!” “Is that why you are upset, because you lost your rich Princess of Segal?” “No, I didn’t lose her.” He paused as if to think. ‘’We did not marry because I couldn’t bring myself to commit to it, for I believe marriage too sacred an event and I will not make a sport of it, Joanna. I did that once at my uncle’s behest and I do not plan to do that again as long I am able to avoid it.” “What do you mean?” Samuel looked out ahead. “Do you love him?” “William?” “Yes.” “No I do not.” Her eyes looked to the ground as if her secrets could remain hidden if she would not allow him to stare into them. “Did he ask you to marry him again? Was that what I witnessed at the church yard?” “He had asked me the night before at his ball, and I refused him then.” “You refused him the night before? Am I to assume he kissed you then as well? Otherwise, what expectations would he have that you would have allowed him to be so bold in the daylight?” Samuel folded his arms. “I do not claim innocence in regard to his advances I am ashamed to admit to you.” Her hands grasped at the blanket she sat on. Samuel was bitterly jealous, but then he thought that Joanna was very young and he knew that she was admitting to her mistake. He wanted to reward her for her honesty. Samuel saw that Joanna was sincere in her confession to him, and his opinion of her softened. “Duke William is your senior by seven years. If there was a fault, it is his.” Then he added, “Even still, you are very beautiful and I cannot fault him for his feelings for you.” “Samuel, you have never told me that you find me beautiful.” Her voice rose slightly as she was surprised. “I think that the fact is plain enough, Joanna. I am concerned for your reputation, as Duke William has done you no favors.” “My reputation! And this is from a man who held Princess Ella so close that my lady-in-waiting dare not even call it a dance?” She crossed her arms. “Or did you not think of her reputation at that particular moment?” “I assure you, Joanna, I would not tarnish the lovely Ella’s reputation now that she is engaged.” He liked that she was jealous. “Princess Ella! I am tired of hearing of her!” she stated, staring directly at him. “And if I didn’t know you at all, I would believe that you love her! And since you were so enamored with her you did not even ask me to dance. It was a slight to me, and William took note of it I am sure. Had you asked me to dance perhaps the Duke of Seine would not have asked me to marry him as he thought that I favor you.” “If he did think you favor me then he is mistaken.” “He was not mistaken. I’d rather be in your company than his.” “I am happy for that, Joanna.” He uncrossed his arms. “Even if it is not my concern, I am worried that his recent engagement to your Ella has caused you sorrow.” “No, there is no real sorrow,” he addressed her concern. “Then you did not marry her —” She stopped because it was not her place to ask. “I didn’t marry Ella because we can’t make our hearts love who they do not love.” “I did not want you to regret that you did not marry her when you had the chance. But I am happy to have you back to myself, my dear Samuel!” She reached for him and took his hand. Then she began to draw her hand away but he held it firm. “Samuel?” He leaned towards her and held her cheek with his other hand, then kissed her with all the force of his feelings since the day he first saw her. The shock rattled her senses. After he kissed her, she looked at him with surprise. Samuel saw the look and regretted his kiss. He let go of her hand and withdrew the other from her cheek. “Forgive me Joanna; it was improper on my part.” He stood up and walked away towards the stream. Joanna touched her lips and then looked for him, but he was not visible. * Winter arrived at the Kingdom of Bow with a series of storms. Queen Joanna had to ensure relief from the storms for her subjects. She had so much to see to, that she hadn’t thought of hosting another ball, but General Stuart proposed the idea while they studied the budget for the troops at her desk. “Queen Joanna, I know that spring is far off still, and with the winter weather the town is waiting for anything to lift its spirits. Would it not lift the capital city’s mood, and add to the financial health as well, if we hosted a ball?” “Why are you interested in a ball? I thought that only the ladies would have asked!” She cleared off the desk and paid attention to her papers, looking at them carefully as she sorted them into piles. “I will tell you, I am worried about the Kingdom of Ott, particularly the King of Ott. I have heard reports that it is an unstable time for them and I worry for our friend Prince Samuel as he has not written this winter.” He looked at Queen Joanna as if to question why. She set the last of the papers down. “Is he in any trouble?” “No, he is not in trouble. His uncle is suffering far worse from this weather than we are, and the northernmost mines have closed. And this is the worst possible time for it to occur as last year’s rainy spring made for a smaller planting and harvest.” “Is there is anything we may do?” Joanna looked at him with mild alarm. “We have offered assistance, but it has been refused. I haven’t seen him and would like to, since we want peace between the kingdoms. The King isn’t a trustworthy man, but he listens to Prince Samuel. If you invite him to a ball, I am sure he would come.” “I will set a date after I consult with my Social Director, but he may not come.” Joanna thought Samuel would avoid her.

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