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The Hunt (The V V Inn #2)

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Men are so damn easy. I'm glad I thought to come downstairs and seduce this newbie. As the skin of his cock slowly passes between my lips, I gradually get into the moment. The scent of clean Ivory soap with an undercurrent of strong, male muskiness assails my nose.

Losing myself in the rhythm of pumping back and forth over his thick, meaty erection, I try to decide on how to next introduce the topic. I need Asa on my side in regard to getting Vivian's blood. That bitch keeps refusing me and I'm going out of my mind with need.

Pulling off the young vampire, I lean back a bit and stare up at him through my eyelashes, my hand still wrapped firmly around his hardness.

"How's that, baby? Do you like it?"

His answer is a grunt and a thrust of hips toward my face.

"I'll take that as a 'yes'."

Slipping his silky head between my lips, I resume my attentions. The presence of vampire blood below the surface of his skin carries a rich undertone of power. Rare in one so newly made. Instinct and desire cause my canines to lengthen, and on a backward motion I nick the side of his cock.

A groan sounding like half-pleasure, half-pain reaches my ears as the scent of copper pennies fills the air. Not one to waste, I push down on his prick, covering the small cut so every drop can trickle into my mouth. Increasing my suction grants me a taste of pre-cum mixed with his delicious, potent blood.

I can taste her! She is in the very blood rushing through his veins. The desire to have more of her urges me on in my speed. My quickening attentions must be too much for the young man, because he pulls out of my mouth. Sitting back on my haunches, I pout up at him. I really was enjoying the blood.

"Too close," Asa whispers.

He pulls me up and into his arms, angling me for a kiss. The touch of his lips feels soft and enticing. Semi-warm hands run down my back and fumble for my bra release. Reaching back to help, I pull the fabric forward, allowing my breasts to spill free.

"Nice," he coos as his hands grasp my newly-revealed skin.

"Why don't you suck on one and give it a bite as well?"

"You mean to feed?"

My slim thong is already soaked from giving him attention; if he has enough sense to... ahhh... his finger pushes aside the fabric and delves into my wet folds.

"Yes... like that."

Asa bends down, tentatively taking one pert nipple into his mouth. With a twist of his mouth, a sharp fang breaks the skin. The slight puncture barely stings. Pressure and warmth increase as his mouth works to pull blood from the wound.

One hard digit pumps deep inside me, while another strokes my already-aroused nub. The wound on my breast heals all too quickly and I want to go over while he pulls blood from me.

"Bite me again... please," I choke out between ragged breaths.

This time, I feel two nicks, one on either side of my nipple. I grab the back of Asa's head, thrusting my whole body toward him. His free arm whips up to support my back as I arch over backward, pulling his muscular frame with me.

His hot mouth locks on, sucking and swallowing, while his busy fingers drive me ruthlessly to a peak. Warmth cascades through me and my skin prickles as the subtle shudders of release overcome me.

Not too shabby for a young guy. He may have potential.

The cuts heal and I straighten up, drawing his head away.

"Not bad. But I want more." I smile and kiss his mouth, tugging his bottom lip out for a little nibble. Hands reach up to cradle my face, gently caressing my cheeks.

"You got it."

No sooner do I have a chance to piece together what he means than I bounce up onto the desk and my thong rips away. Pale, strong hands push my thighs apart and his eager, seeking lips latch onto my wetness.

A pointed firmness circles my clit, pushing me back up again with the promise of a higher ride.

"Have you ever done this with Vivian?"

Good God, did that just come out of my mouth? Even now, I can't get her out of my head.

Asa hesitates in his ministrations, peering up at me, raising one eyebrow.

"Um... no. Vivian is mated to Rafe. I think he'd try to kill me." His face scrunches up as he thinks more on my question. "And she scares me."

"Sorry, I don't know what came over me." Understatement of the year. Why don't you just admit that you crave her with every cell of your body, even though you never had true lesbian tendencies before you fed from her?

Stupid! Stupid!

It's like the one small taste from the drop on Asa's cock has got me all riled up again. I can't get the feel of her power out of my mind. I want it. I want to have it, and her, every damn day for the rest of my undead life.

And Asa will help me.

"She's pretty," I say, "don't you think?"

"Yeah, like a tiger." He kisses the inside of my thigh. "Let's get back on track here, okay?"

With that, he slides two fingers deep into my pussy. The slick sensations and his pumping motion drive thoughts of Vivian from my mind. Soft, butterfly kisses creep slowly higher on my leg until Asa perches over my femoral artery.

"How about right here, baby?" The warmth from his breath tickles my leg. "I bet I can get quite a bit right here..." His tongue traces the crease where my thigh meets my torso.

Asa's fingers tease and tantalize, pushing me closer to my second peak.

"Yes. Do it!"

Searing pain grips me as he bites voraciously into my skin. Wetness trickles down my inner thigh, as a sloppy, sucking noise greets my ears. The pain once again tangles with the pleasure and the flow of my blood into Asa's mouth sends me racing toward a second crest.

I throw my head back and shout my release to the room. The soundproof walls swallow the noise.

Gasping, I sag against the desk. "Whew, that one was much better. For a young guy, you're definitely good."

Asa looks up at me with the seductive promise of more in his eyes. He stands, showing me once again his hairless and well-muscled chest. God, he looks good enough to eat. Pushing his pants down his slim hips, he reveals more muscles and a full view of his long, thick, lightly haired member. I bet he shaves. Then again, that means less hair to get stuck in my teeth, so I have to admit it's smart. He takes himself in his hand and steps closer to my position on the desk.

"How about we try for number three? And this time you bite me."

The thought of sinking my own sharp fangs into the corded strength of his neck makes me shudder. I nod my assent and sit up a bit, watching as he places a palm on the desk next to my hip. He guides his cock into my opening, which causes a soft sigh to escape his lips as he slides deep into me on the first stroke.

My legs snake around his hips, locking him loosely in place. Strong arms reach around to support my back, bringing that gorgeous chest forward to rub against my aroused nipples. Male musk, clean sweat and another, more subtle scent reach me through the haze of sensations.

"You smell so good..." I murmur against his supple skin.

Something, something... just out of reach...

Running my tongue along his collarbone, I work my way up his neck while he pumps smoothly in and out of me. The firm planes of his hips feel amazing between my clasped thighs.

Tilting my head along his neck, I open a small gash with one tooth. The slight pain, paired with the anticipation of what comes next, causes Asa to pump a little deeper and a little faster.

Rich, sweet blood spills slowly onto my waiting tongue. Memories rush forward to claim me. I'm transported back to two months ago when I locked onto Vivian's wrist in the dining room.

Her power poured into me in one brief, delirious moment and I saw everything. All of life became clear. Somehow I was as strong as her-I want that again.

The small wound heals easily and I'm left licking every trace of Asa's blood from his skin.

"You... you taste like her." My voice sounds like I'm in a tunnel, even to my own ears.

Asa pauses in his movements. He leans back slightly to peer into my eyes, looking like he's trying to focus on what I've said.


"You taste like Vivian." Even as I say the words I know I want more. No way was that my last taste of Asa tonight.

I pull him close, nuzzling his neck again, searching for a good place to latch on. Using my feet, I nudge his ass to remind him of what he needs to be doing, driving me to my next orgasm.

"Oh," he whispers in my ear. "I fed from her last night. To prepare for the hunt."

An insane pain rips through my chest. She chose to feed him and not me! I've been all but begging that bitch and she keeps putting me off!

I'll get what I can from her favorite if that's the way it must be.

This time, I'm ruthless as I bite down with both fangs. Blood rushes in to coat my mouth and I greedily gulp it down as more pours in.

Vivian! I have her here in the blood of this young vampire. Her power will be mine again, if I have to drain this fool to get it.

"God! Yes!" Asa cries out as his hips piston faster and faster against me.

Images of her beauty and our time together cascade in a flurry with each pull on his neck. She and I were so close once and now she acts like I'm nothing. I want to bask in the warmth of her approval and love again.

I pull deep on the wound and swallow-my rhythm soon matches one pull for every two strokes from Asa.

"Let go, Joanna, that's enough."

I have no intention of letting go. He tastes too good. I bite again to reopen the wound and Asa tries to shrug me off.

"I said that's enough."

The pumping has slowed down-both the blood into my mouth and his hips against my body. Strong hands come up to pry my jaws off the wound and slam me down on to the desk.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?"

"I want more! I need more! Give it to me!"

A red haze fills my mind and all I can think of is getting more of that delicious blood back into me. I reach up to wrap my arms around him again, but only grasp air as he ducks away.

My hips are grabbed roughly and I'm twisted face down on the desk. Once my feet hit the ground, I thrash to get away, pushing back onto his thick, meaty cock. Raking my fingers against the desk, I'm consumed by the overwhelming need to bite him again.


"You got it, honey."

Mistaking my demand, he pushes back into me. An arm reaches under me and pressure tickles my engorged clit. The blood I've consumed has every nerve ending on high alert, and fast and furious, I'm pushed for that last peak while Asa spurts deep inside me.

I scream out my largest release yet at the top of my lungs.


"That's it, baby." Asa coos softly while still pumping slowly. "I knew you had one more in you."

Despite my release, I'm filled with a burning heat of rage. I want more blood. I have to have it.

I buck out with my hips and push him away. Asa takes another step back and I twist to stand up and face him. He looks at me with confusion in his eyes while reaching to pull his pants up.

"What's come over you, Joanna?"

"Let's say I know exactly what I want and you're going to give it to me."

Without giving him a chance to see what's coming, I launch myself at him. Pinning him to the concrete wall is only a taste of what I can do to him. He might be bigger, but I'm older.

"I want Vivian's blood." His face pales at my declaration. "You're going to help me get it."

"Look," his voice comes out, soothing and low, "you need to slow down and take a deep breath, hon."

"Don't patronize me!" I thump him hard against the concrete wall to punctuate my statement. "She's keeping her power from me and I won't have it!"

I let him go, turning to pace back to the desk.

"If I have to drain her when she rests, then I will!"

"That's crazy talk, Joanna. Listen to yourself."

"I'm not crazy!" And I'm not. I'm hungry. I want her blood flowing through my veins again. I want that sheer raw power to be all mine.

"There's a gaping hole in me. Don't you understand?"

The look of confusion on his face means he doesn't. Maybe I need to try a different tack.

"You're young, right?" Asa nods. "You've never tasted anything as strong as Vivian's blood, have you?" He nods again.

Good, this is working.

"Think of it - if we could somehow trap Vivian when she least expects it and drain her, we'd grow stronger." I start to pace in my desire to get the words out quickly. "We could become our own masters. We'd be like Vivian, all-powerful."

I turn to look at Asa to see what impact my words are having on him. He looks pensive. Good. He gets it; he really gets it.

"And you think draining Vivian is the answer?" His voice sounds calm.

"If we didn't drain her completely-but held her captive we could feed from her for years until we no longer needed her... Hey! What are you doing with that g-?"

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