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The Hostage

Page 4

"Amanda," James said forcing back into reality. I wasn't even sure where he had come from. "Why don't you go sit upstairs in my office? We can handle this."

"He's my husband, I have to help." I have to get him back.

"Not in the condition you're in. Now go. I'll keep you up to date." He helped me up and I walked slowly to his office and opened the door. I sat down on the leather sofa, and tried to compose myself but it was useless. I began crying as I put my face in my hands.

I couldn't lose Keith. We've only been married two years that's not nearly long enough. I love him more than I thought I ever could love someone. I knew I couldn't go on without him if anything happened. I remembered telling him that and I thought back to the time he proposed: After two months of dating Keith had it all planned out. He had scheduled it so that we had three days off. He had told me we were going to go on a vacation.

He had chosen a quiet resort and had planned a picnic on the beach. He had said it would be a special night and he had even convinced me that it would more special if we waited and made love while we were on vacation. We wouldn't be tired like they were after working and we could spend the entire time in each other's arms without interruptions from the world. I had loved that idea.

We were driving up to the resort. I was wearing a blue summer dress which matched Keith's shirt. My hair which was usually up in a ponytail was down and everywhere because of the wind blowing in through the open windows. He did his best to hide his nervousness but I saw right through it.

"Keith, are you okay?" I asked snapping him out his thoughts.

He grinned and relaxed, loosening his hold on the steering wheel. "Of course, I get to spend three days with the most beautiful woman that I love, I couldn't be better."

I knew then he was up to something, but I trusted him and decided whatever surprise he had in store would be a good one. "Well I am happy to be spending three days with the most handsome man that I love. So what are we going to do first?" I put my hand in his and he kissed it.

"We're going to check in and then go down to the beach for a picnic and then we'll watch the sunset."

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