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The Hostage

Page 15

Jeff radioed it in as he checked Pete. I radioed in a helicopter; both Keith and Pete needed immediate medical attention.

I stroked Keith's hair. "Keith, babe, wake up. I'm here." I began crying when he didn't respond. So, much for control. I shook my head. But, it's impossible to remain in control; he means too much to me. I can't be neutral or distanced, not with Keith. Not with my husband. Tears ran down my face, as I stroked his cheek. "Please, I need you."

His eyes slowly opened. "Mandy?" He said hoarsely.

Tears of joy replaced the tears of sorrow. Thank God. "Yeah, baby. It's me."

He gave me a small smile as he lifted his left hand up and touched my cheek. "I'd knew you'd come."

I smiled and put my hand over his, as I kissed his palm. "The medic will be in a few minutes so just hang on, k?"

"Yeah," he said yet his eyes began to close. I knew I had to keep him conscious despite the pain he was in.

"Sweetheart, stay with me." I whispered in his ear: "I love you so much. You are my world and I need you." I gently stroked his face. "It's all going be okay you just have to hang on." I kissed his forehead as he held my hand and gazed up at me.

The medics arrived, luckily we had foreseen the worst and brought along four of them. One medic who was in his fifties, with a full head of gray hair and bushy eyebrows knelt beside Keith. I quickly gave him my assessment and after checking Keith over he agreed. He started an IV for fluids and morphine in his left hand. He bandaged Keith's right hand to protect it until the doctors could set it. He cut his shirt off and taped a few ribs. He then sutured the cut over his eye.

"Agent Sheppard, I need to keep his head from moving while I put him on the stretcher can you help me?" The medic asked.

I nodded, he laid the stretcher down and I held Keith's head as we slowly moved him onto it. "The helicopter should be here, let's get him out of here," the medic said.

I glanced over and saw Keith's wallet lying open on the floor. I picked it up and put it in my pocket. I then motioned to an agent who had come downstairs and the three of us moved Keith up the stairs and out of the house.

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