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The Hidden City

Page 87

‘I heard about this army, and I thought it might be a good place to hide. Word’s going about that this Scarpa fellow plans to attack Matherion. I’ve got a few old scores to settle there, so I decided to tag along for fun and profit.’

‘I think we can find a better spot for you than back in the rear ranks of Scarpa’s army.’ Kalten nudged Senga’s shoulder with his foot. ‘The fellow standing ankle-deep in the mud there is an old friend of ours from Matherion,’ he told the tavern-keeper. ‘His name’s Fron, and he’s a very good man in a fight. When the police jumped on us back in Matherion, he stood shoulder to shoulder with Shallag, holding them off while the rest of us got away. Do you think there might be a spot for him in your operation here in Natayos?’

‘Do you vouch for him, Col?’ Senga asked.

‘I couldn’t ask for better help if trouble crops up.’

‘You’re in charge of security,’ Senga shrugged. ‘Hire anybody you want.’

‘I was hoping you’d see it that way.’ Kalten beckoned to Sparhawk. ‘Climb on up, Fron,’ he said. ‘I’ll show you the wonders of Natayos.’

‘From the top of a beer wagon?’

‘Can you think of a better place?’

Chapter 19

Kring arrived in Sarna late in the afternoon of the same day in which Aphrael had transported Sephrenia and the others there from Dirgis. Mirtai calmly went down into the courtyard of the Atan garrison to meet her bandy-legged betrothed. The two of them embraced rather formally and then came into the building.

‘She seems very restrained,’ Vanion observed quietly to Betuana as the two watched from the window of the conference room.

‘It is not seemly to openly display affection in public, Vanion-Preceptor,’ the Queen replied. ‘Decorum must be maintained, even though the heart might prefer it otherwise.’


‘Ho, friend Vanion!’ Kring said as he and his tall beloved entered. ‘You’re just the man I was looking for.’

‘It’s good to see you, too, friend Kring. How are things going in Samar?’

‘It’s quiet. The Cynesgans have pulled back from the border. Is there something going on to the south that I haven’t been told about?’

‘Not that I know of. Why do you ask?’

‘The Cynesgans were massing just across the border, and we were expecting them to come across to lay siege to Samar almost any time. Then several days ago they pulled back and left only a few units in place. The rest of their army marched south.’

‘Why would they do that?’ Vanion asked, frowning.

‘Probably to meet the Church Knights,’ Aphrael replied.

Vanion turned to see the Child Goddess calmly sitting in her usual place on Sephrenia’s lap. She had not been there a moment before. There was no point to making an issue of it. Aphrael would never change. The Church Knights aren’t coming from that direction, Divine One,’ he said.

‘We know that, Vanion,’ she replied, ‘but Stragen and Talen have been busy in Beresa. They’ve managed to convince the Dacite spy that there’s a huge fleet of ships flying Church flags knocking about in the Gulf of Daconia. Evidently the Dacite passed the word on, and the Cynesgan High Command took it seriously enough to send their main force south to defend southern Cynesga.’

‘But they know that the Church Knights are coming overland through Astel.’

They know about that force, Lord Vanion,’ Itagne said, ‘but they must have been convinced that there’s another coming by sea.’

There aren’t that many of us, Itagne.’

‘You and I know that, Lord Vanion, but it’s generally believed here in Tamuli that there are at least a million of you fellows. The term “Church Knights” conjures up visions of armies stretching from horizon to horizon.’

Vanion frowned. ‘Oh,’ he said finally. I think I understand. During the Zemoch wars, we joined forces with the armies of the kings of Eosia. The Tamul observers must have thought that everyone in armor was a Church Knight.’

‘I think I’ll have a talk with the Emperor,’ Itagne mused. ‘Titles of nobility might be in order for your pair of thieves. This imaginary fleet of theirs seems to have pulled half the Cynesgan army off the border and most likely pinned down the Arjunis as well.’

‘It’s a great little fleet,’ Vanion grinned, ‘and you don’t even have to feed the sailors. Let’s keep the stories alive.’ He looked at Aphrael. ‘Could you arrange some illusions, Divine One?’

‘Dragons? Flights of angels?’

‘How about a thousand ships hull-down on the horizon instead?’

‘What do I get in return?’

‘Stop teasing,’ Sephrenia told her with a gentle smile.

‘Where would you like your make-believe boats, Vanion?’

He thought about it. ‘Why don’t you just bounce them up and down the coastline of Daconia and western Arjuna?’ he suggested. ‘Let’s run the Cynesgans and Arjunis ragged trying to position themselves to defend against landings.’

‘I’ll go take care of it right now,’ she said, slipping down from her sister’s lap, ‘before I forget.’

‘When did you ever forget anything?’ Sephrenia smiled.

‘I don’t know. I must have at some time, though. I’ve probably forgotten exactly when.’ She gave them all an impish little smile, and then she vanished.

Kring was sitting at Mirtai’s side, and he had been squinting speculatively at the ceiling, absently running one hand over his stubbled scalp. He was not free to use the other, since Mirtai had taken possession of it. Her contented, almost placid, expression clearly said that she did not intend to release his hand in the foreseeable future.

‘If Divine Aphrael can keep those Cynesgan troops more or less permanently distracted, Tikume and I’ll be able to hold Samar without any help,’ the Domi said, ‘particularly now that we know how to deal with Klæl’s soldiers.’ He rubbed even more briskly at his scalp.

‘Quit worrying at it,’ Mirtai told him. ‘I’ll shave you just as soon as we finish here.’

‘Yes, love,’ he agreed immediately.

‘Oh, that reminds me,’ Vanion said. ‘Sparhawk had a talk with Bhelliom. Klæl’s soldiers can only breathe our air for about a day before they start dying, and exertion speeds up the process. If you come across them again, keep them running.’

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