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The Heart

Page 65

Mary continued looking at me, then all at once her forehead cleared.

"Catherine, 'twas Catherine," she cried out. "She said not, but well

I know her; she would not own to it--the sweetheart. Sure a

falsehood to hide a loving deed is the best truth of the world.

'Twas Catherine, 'twas Catherine, the sweetheart, the darling. She

sent for naught for herself, and hath been saving for a year's time

and maybe sold a ring or two. Somehow she discovered about the plot,

what I had done. And she hath heard me say, that I know well, that I

thought 'twas a noble list of Lady Culpeper's, and I wished I were a

governor's wife or daughter, that I could have such fine things. I

remember me well that I told her thus before ever the Golden Horn

sailed for England, that time after Cicely Hyde slept with me and

told me what she had from Cate Culpeper. A goodly portion of the

goods were for Cate. 'Twas Catherine. Oh, the sweetheart, the

darling! Was there ever sister like her?"

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