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The Grey God

Page 8

"Yes, Isac."

"Your father was not happy about it. I would've thought he would've supported you mating with someone more powerful."

"Father was not a man easily understood," Claire said, darkness crossing her features. "He still isn't."

"You are a queen. What more can he want?"

"If I were the only ruler of the immortal world, he might be happy," she said.

Darian glanced at her. Part of the reason he'd mated with her so quickly was to get her away from the man she claimed beat her. He knew on sight he wanted her. No one would stand in the way of a White God, even an abusive, power-hungry father.

"I've been keeping him occupied," he said. "He won't hurt you anymore, Claire."

Her smile was bitter. He felt the mood that descended over her without fully understanding it. She normally clammed up when they discussed her father, and today was no different.

Not wanting to ruin their morning, Darian took her into his arms. Her body relaxed instantly. He made love to her under the forest canopy, the way he had their first night. When they both lay sated, he kissed her and rose, pulling on his clothes as he went to the horse.

"I hope you brought my favorite," he called over his shoulder.

"I did, love." The dampened mood was still in her voice.

Something struck the back of his head. Darkness fell over him.


Claire bounded to her feet, heart pounding. She looked at the man who had been her mate, at Isac, then at the third man with them, her father. The White God fell into a heap.

"Father, are you-"

"We've done this before, Claire," he snapped.

"I know-"

"Grab an axe. We'll bury him in pieces, where no one will find him."

She obeyed, as she always did. Isac was the first to slam an axe into Darian's body, his brutal strikes falling over and over. She stared, numbed, as her father joined them.

Her whole life, no one had made her feel as Darian did. Like she was special. Like she was more than the daughter of a whore and a sick nobleman. They'd pulled similar scams on other wealthy men, mostly in the mortal world, outside the view of immortals who might see them. Her father's wealth had come from his whore-daughter's ability to charm any man she chose.

"You want to be queen of the immortals?" her father called.

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