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The Grey God

Page 148

"There's no need to let me go."

"Yes, there is. I made the mistake of not trusting my instincts when I met you," he said. "I'm going to trust them this time. Right now, they tell me the woman I love is in danger, and you were meant to distract me so someone else could finish her off." He started away from her towards the obelisk.

"Darian, wait-" Claire called.

"Farewell, Claire."

He didn't look back but tagged Xander on the arm as he passed. The vamp's fangs were already showing. Darian jogged towards the obelisk and followed its tall form into the clouds with his eyes. The raw rage he didn't feel walking with Claire unfurled within him, until he was sprinting.


Trust me. Darian's words did nothing to soothe Jenn. She lowered her weapon, breathing hard from the battle in the soft sand. Darian stepped towards Claire. The traitor sheathed her weapons, and Jenn's gaze went to the necklace in her hand.

"It never pays to be the mistress, love," Claire purred to Jenn.

Darian motioned for Claire to walk with him, and they started down the beach. Leaving her. Darian clasped his hands behind his back, and Claire's smile was both triumphant and sweet. They looked like two lovers out for a stroll, not enemies. Raw pain filtered through Jenn as they walked away.

Maybe they aren't enemies. Jenn sucked in deep breaths, hanging onto Darian's words.

Trust me, he'd said. Nothing else. And he hadn't taken back the necklace.

She watched them until she couldn't bear to anymore. Darian hadn't even looked at her. He'd blocked the strike that probably would've killed the woman who betrayed him, saving her instead.

While the hole inside her grew, Jenn's sense of duty returned. Darian told her to find Yully. Jenn forced herself to move, hurting more from the wound inside than all those outside. Xander watched her approach, seemingly at ease while the world went to shit around him.

"Where's Yully?" Jenn asked.


"Take this shit off." She held out her arm.

He complied, touching it. The cuff fell away, and magic flooded her. At once, her body felt energized where she'd been drained before. Her extrasensory gifts returned. She still felt raw on the inside, but she could fight.

"Good luck," Xander said, not looking at her.

His dismissal felt permanent, and she hoped whatever business he had with her, it was now done. Jenn glanced up at him. His eyes were on the two walking down the beach, his arms crossed, as if he waited for something. She trotted away from him up the beach towards the marble obelisk that rose out of the orchard. Her hands shook as much from emotion as the returned magic in her blood.

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