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The Grey God

Page 145

"I'll start collecting its magic," Yully said. "Don't be long, Darian."

"I won't be far," he promised.

Heart pounding, Darian waited until they were gone. He sheathed his weapons and Traveled to where the beach met the apple orchard. Xander materialized and leaned against a tree, watching. Darian moved forward as if in a dream, stopping within the shade of apple trees as he gazed at the scene before him.

"Sexy," Xander purred. "Hope you don't want them both to live through this."

The two warriors were well matched physically. Darian took in Jenn's body first. She'd been through a lot already today; her exposed midriff and leggings were red with dried blood, and cuts crisscrossed her arms and back. His necklace bounced against her chest as she struck and blocked with fluid, catlike movements.

His gaze moved to her opponent, a woman who looked as poised and rested as Jenn appeared battered. Claire's auburn hair was tied back in a ponytail, her shapely body clad in a black cat-suit. Her blue eyes flashed with familiar fire, fire that used to make his blood hot for her.

Memories bombarded him, almost crippling him. Memories of a time when he'd been happy as the White God with his Oracle at his side. Memories of a time spent in a black hell while his mate helped the Black God keep him enslaved. She was still as beautiful as the day he met her, but she'd never have Jenn's heart. Jenn fought for him. Claire fought for Claire.

"I thought she was dead," he said at last. "Damian killed her."

"Does it matter?" Xander said. "Whoever you don't want is mine. Jenn would be a good addition to my … collection."

"You're not getting either of them."

"You only get one mate. Pick one."

"There's no decision to make." Darian looked at Xander, unable to determine what game the Original Being played. The Vamp watched, interest on his features as the two women fought.

"She's not going to win with that cuff on," Xander observed.

Darian watched for a moment longer. Jenn was holding her own, even without her magic. But as a mortal, she'd tire faster than Claire, whose magic would continue to feed off the surroundings to keep her energized. Claire just had to keep on her feet until Jenn's strength gave out. A few close calls made it more of a challenge, as Claire bounced back to avoid Jenn's strategic strikes.

Xander was right. Darian had to interfere before either was killed. He had unfinished business with both women, and he wasn't about to let Jenn fight a battle she'd lose.

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