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The Forsyte Saga - Volume 3

Page 85

"I don't, Annette."

Did Father know that he called her mother "Annette"? Always on the side

of her Father--as children are ever on one side or the other in houses

where relations are a little strained--she stood, uncertain. Her mother

was speaking in her low, pleasing, slightly metallic voice--one word she

caught: "Demain." And Profond's answer: "All right." Fleur frowned. A

little sound came out into the stillness. Then Profond's voice: "I'm

takin' a small stroll."

Fleur darted through the window into the morning-room. There he came

from the drawing-room, crossing the verandah, down the lawn; and the

click of billiard-balls which, in listening for other sounds, she had

ceased to hear, began again. She shook herself, passed into the hall,

and opened the drawing-room door. Her mother was sitting on the sofa

between the windows, her knees crossed, her head resting on a cushion,

her lips half parted, her eyes half closed. She looked extraordinarily


"Ah! Here you are, Fleur! Your father is beginning to fuss."

"Where is he?"

"In the picture-gallery. Go up!"

"What are you going to do to-morrow, Mother?"

"To-morrow? I go up to London with your aunt."

"I thought you might be. Will you get me a quite plain parasol?"

"What colour?"

"Green. They're all going back, I suppose."

"Yes, all; you will console your father. Kiss me, then."

Fleur crossed the room, stooped, received a kiss on her forehead, and

went out past the impress of a form on the sofa-cushions in the other

corner. She ran up-stairs.

Fleur was by no means the old-fashioned daughter who demands the

regulation of her parents' lives in accordance with the standard imposed

upon herself. She claimed to regulate her own life, not those of others;

besides, an unerring instinct for what was likely to advantage her own

case was already at work. In a disturbed domestic atmosphere the heart

she had set on Jon would have a better chance. None the less was she

offended, as a flower by a crisping wind. If that man had really been

kissing her mother it was--serious, and her father ought to know.

"Demain!" "All right!" And her mother going up to Town! She turned

into her bedroom and hung out of the window to cool her face, which had

suddenly grown very hot. Jon must be at the station by now! What did her

father know about Jon? Probably everything--pretty nearly!

She changed her dress, so as to look as if she had been in some time,

and ran up to the gallery.

Soames was standing stubbornly still before his Alfred Stevens--the

picture he loved best. He did not turn at the sound of the door, but she

knew he had heard, and she knew he was hurt. She came up softly behind

him, put her arms round his neck, and poked her face over his shoulder

till her cheek lay against his. It was an advance which had never yet

failed, but it failed her now, and she augured the worst. "Well," he

said stonily, "so you've come!"

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