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The Forsyte Saga - Volume 2

Page 196

A sealed letter in the handwriting of Mr. Polteed remained unopened

in Soames' pocket throughout two hours of sustained attention to the

affairs of the 'New Colliery Company,' which, declining almost from the

moment of old Jolyon's retirement from the Chairmanship, had lately run

down so fast that there was now nothing for it but a 'winding-up.' He

took the letter out to lunch at his City Club, sacred to him for the

meals he had eaten there with his father in the early seventies, when

James used to like him to come and see for himself the nature of his

future life.

Here in a remote corner before a plate of roast mutton and mashed

potato, he read:


"In accordance with your suggestion we have duly taken the matter up at

the other end with gratifying results. Observation of 47 has enabled us

to locate 17 at the Green Hotel, Richmond. The two have been observed

to meet daily during the past week in Richmond Park. Nothing absolutely

crucial has so far been notified. But in conjunction with what we had

from Paris at the beginning of the year, I am confident we could now

satisfy the Court. We shall, of course, continue to watch the matter

until we hear from you.

"Very faithfully yours,


Soames read it through twice and beckoned to the waiter:

"Take this away; it's cold."

"Shall I bring you some more, sir?"

"No. Get me some coffee in the other room."

And, paying for what he had not eaten, he went out, passing two

acquaintances without sign of recognition.

'Satisfy the Court!' he thought, sitting at a little round marble

table with the coffee before him. That fellow Jolyon! He poured out his

coffee, sweetened and drank it. He would disgrace him in the eyes of his

own children! And rising, with that resolution hot within him, he found

for the first time the inconvenience of being his own solicitor. He

could not treat this scandalous matter in his own office. He must commit

the soul of his private dignity to a stranger, some other professional

dealer in family dishonour. Who was there he could go to? Linkman and

Laver in Budge Row, perhaps--reliable, not too conspicuous, only nodding

acquaintances. But before he saw them he must see Polteed again. But

at this thought Soames had a moment of sheer weakness. To part with his

secret? How find the words? How subject himself to contempt and secret

laughter? Yet, after all, the fellow knew already--oh yes, he knew! And,

feeling that he must finish with it now, he took a cab into the West


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