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The Forsyte Saga - Volume 2

Page 18

"Well, you must come to me now," he said, "for anything you want, or I

shall be quite cut up." And putting on his hat, he rose. "Let's go and

get some tea. I told that lazy chap to put the horses up for an hour,

and come for me at your place. We'll take a cab presently; I can't walk

as I used to."

He enjoyed that stroll to the Kensington end of the gardens--the sound

of her voice, the glancing of her eyes, the subtle beauty of a charming

form moving beside him. He enjoyed their tea at Ruffel's in the High

Street, and came out thence with a great box of chocolates swung on his

little finger. He enjoyed the drive back to Chelsea in a hansom, smoking

his cigar. She had promised to come down next Sunday and play to him

again, and already in thought he was plucking carnations and early roses

for her to carry back to town. It was a pleasure to give her a little

pleasure, if it WERE pleasure from an old chap like him! The carriage

was already there when they arrived. Just like that fellow, who was

always late when he was wanted! Old Jolyon went in for a minute to

say good-bye. The little dark hall of the flat was impregnated with a

disagreeable odour of patchouli, and on a bench against the wall--its

only furniture--he saw a figure sitting. He heard Irene say softly:

"Just one minute." In the little drawing-room when the door was shut, he

asked gravely: "One of your protegees?"

"Yes. Now thanks to you, I can do something for her."

He stood, staring, and stroking that chin whose strength had frightened

so many in its time. The idea of her thus actually in contact with this

outcast grieved and frightened him. What could she do for them? Nothing.

Only soil and make trouble for herself, perhaps. And he said: "Take

care, my dear! The world puts the worst construction on everything."

"I know that."

He was abashed by her quiet smile. "Well then--Sunday," he murmured:


She put her cheek forward for him to kiss.

"Good-bye," he said again; "take care of yourself." And he went out,

not looking towards the figure on the bench. He drove home by way of

Hammersmith; that he might stop at a place he knew of and tell them to

send her in two dozen of their best Burgundy. She must want picking-up

sometimes! Only in Richmond Park did he remember that he had gone up to

order himself some boots, and was surprised that he could have had so

paltry an idea.

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