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The Forsyte Saga - Volume 2

Page 166

Francie alone had the hardihood to observe: "What is, then, Uncle


"All this new-fangled volunteerin' and expense--lettin' money out of the


Just then Aunt Hester brought in the map, handling it like a baby with

eruptions. With the assistance of Euphemia it was laid on the piano, a

small Colwood grand, last played on, it was believed, the summer before

Aunt Ann died, thirteen years ago. Timothy rose. He walked over to the

piano, and stood looking at his map while they all gathered round.

"There you are," he said; "that's the position up to date; and very poor

it is. H'm!"

"Yes," said Francie, greatly daring, "but how are you going to alter it,

Uncle Timothy, without more men?"

"Men!" said Timothy; "you don't want men--wastin' the country's money.

You want a Napoleon, he'd settle it in a month."

"But if you haven't got him, Uncle Timothy?"

"That's their business," replied Timothy. "What have we kept the Army up

for--to eat their heads off in time of peace! They ought to be ashamed

of themselves, comin' on the country to help them like this! Let every

man stick to his business, and we shall get on."

And looking round him, he added almost angrily:

"Volunteerin', indeed! Throwin' good money after bad! We must save!

Conserve energy that's the only way." And with a prolonged sound, not

quite a sniff and not quite a snort, he trod on Euphemia's toe, and went

out, leaving a sensation and a faint scent of barley-sugar behind him.

The effect of something said with conviction by one who has evidently

made a sacrifice to say it is ever considerable. And the eight Forsytes

left behind, all women except young Nicholas, were silent for a moment

round the map. Then Francie said:

"Really, I think he's right, you know. After all, what is the Army for?

They ought to have known. It's only encouraging them."

"My dear!" cried Aunt Juley, "but they've been so progressive. Think of

their giving up their scarlet. They were always so proud of it. And now

they all look like convicts. Hester and I were saying only yesterday we

were sure they must feel it very much. Fancy what the Iron Duke would

have said!"

"The new colour's very smart," said Winifred; "Val looks quite nice in


Aunt Juley sighed.

"I do so wonder what Jolyon's boy is like. To think we've never seen

him! His father must be so proud of him."

"His father's in Paris," said Winifred.

Aunt Hester's shoulder was seen to mount suddenly, as if to ward off her

sister's next remark, for Juley's crumpled cheeks had gushed.

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