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The Forsyte Saga - Volume 2

Page 100

He stood on the landing outside his parents' bed and dressing rooms,

debating whether or not to put his nose in and say a reassuring word.

Opening the landing window, he listened. The rumble from Piccadilly

was all the sound he heard, and with the thought, 'If these motor-cars

increase, it'll affect house property,' he was about to pass on up to

the room always kept ready for him when he heard, distant as yet, the

hoarse rushing call of a newsvendor. There it was, and coming past the

house! He knocked on his mother's door and went in.

His father was sitting up in bed, with his ears pricked under the

white hair which Emily kept so beautifully cut. He looked pink, and

extraordinarily clean, in his setting of white sheet and pillow, out

of which the points of his high, thin, nightgowned shoulders emerged in

small peaks. His eyes alone, grey and distrustful under their withered

lids, were moving from the window to Emily, who in a wrapper was walking

up and down, squeezing a rubber ball attached to a scent bottle. The

room reeked faintly of the eau-de-Cologne she was spraying.

"All right!" said Soames, "it's not a fire. The Boers have declared

war--that's all."

Emily stopped her spraying.

"Oh!" was all she said, and looked at James.

Soames, too, looked at his father. He was taking it differently from

their expectation, as if some thought, strange to them, were working in


"H'm!" he muttered suddenly, "I shan't live to see the end of this."

"Nonsense, James! It'll be over by Christmas."

"What do you know about it?" James answered her with asperity. "It's a

pretty mess at this time of night, too!" He lapsed into silence, and his

wife and son, as if hypnotised, waited for him to say: 'I can't tell--I

don't know; I knew how it would be!' But he did not. The grey eyes

shifted, evidently seeing nothing in the room; then movement occurred

under the bedclothes, and the knees were drawn up suddenly to a great


"They ought to send out Roberts. It all comes from that fellow Gladstone

and his Majuba."

The two listeners noted something beyond the usual in his voice,

something of real anxiety. It was as if he had said: 'I shall never see

the old country peaceful and safe again. I shall have to die before

I know she's won.' And in spite of the feeling that James must not be

encouraged to be fussy, they were touched. Soames went up to the

bedside and stroked his father's hand which had emerged from under the

bedclothes, long and wrinkled with veins.

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