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The Flaming Jewel

Page 27

"Who's that, Mike?"

"Lemme tell you," continued Clinch, resting more heavily on the shelf while Smith, looking out through the pantry shutter at the dancing, listened intently.

"When I was in France in a Forestry Rig'ment," went on Clinch, lowering his always pleasant voice, "I was to Paris on leave a few days before they sent us home."

"I was in the washroom of a caffy -- a-cleanin' up for supper, when dod-bang! into the place comes a-tumblin' a man with two cops pushing and kicking him.

"They didn't see me in there for they locked the door on the man. He was a swell gent, too, in full dress and silk hat and all like that, and a opry cloak and white kid gloves, and mustache and French beard.

"When they locked him up he stood stock still and lit a cigarette, as cool as ice. Then he begun walkin' around looking for a way to get out; but there wasn't no way.

"Then he seen me and over he comes and talks English right away: `Want to make a thousand francs, soldier?' sez he in a quick whisper. `You're on,' sez I; `Show your dough.' `Them Flies has went to get the Commissaire for to frisk me,' sez he. `Go to 13 roo Quinze Octobre and give it to the concierge for Jose Quintana.' And he shoves the packet on me and a thousand-franc note.

"Then he grabs me sudden and pulls open my collar. God, he was strong.

"`What's the matter with you?' says I. `Lemme go or I'll mash your mug flat.' `Lemme see your identification disc,' he barks.

"Bein' in Paris for a bat, I had exchanged with my bunkie, Bill Hanson. `Let him look,' thinks I; and he reads Bill's check.

"`If you fool me,' says he, 'I'll folly ye and I'll do you in if it takes the rest of my life. You understand?' `Sure,' says I, me tongue in me cheek. `Bong! Alez vouz en!' says he.

"`How the hell,' sez I, `do I get out of here?' `You're a Yankee soldier. The Flies don't know you were in here. You go and kick on that door and make a holler.'

"So I done it good; and a cope opens and swears at me, but when he sees a Yankee soldier was locked in the wash-room by mistake, he lets me out, you bet."

Clinch smiled a thin smile, poured out three fingers of hooch.

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