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The Daughter In Law

Page 44

I haven’t heard from her and don’t wish to. I’ve cut off every avenue she could even think of using to get to me and my family, and what I can’t do my father in law has taken care. Do I regret the fact that my kids don’t have a grandmother and grandfather from my side? Not really, they’re not missing out. I would never have her around my kids since she hates their mother that much, only a dumb fuck would do such a stupid ass thing. Plus their mom would make my life less than comfy and I enjoy the life we have together way too much to risk that shit.

So when she tries sending me messages through clandestine means, I rebuff them all. Her sob stories no longer move me and my life has been rather stress free since I decided to pretend she died. Harsh I know, but the only way the breech could ever be mended is if Vanessa decided to forgive her, and I don’t see that shit happening. I know some men might try to straddle the fence and maybe hide and contact their moms because they need that connection and can’t break it. I’m not one of them. If the tables were turned I would expect total loyalty from my wife so I can give no less.

Now I get to watch the girl I married blossom and grow without the sword of Damocles hanging over her head. I don’t talk about my mother and I’ve gone through our new home and removed any semblance of her. Yeah, she tried leaving little reminders here and there. I especially liked the letter she left hidden away in my secret boyhood cubbyhole. It was full of accusations against my wife, each one unfounded. Not even there, in what could be her last contact with me, did she once think of me or what the shit she was doing was doing do to me. Somewhere along the way the woman I knew as mom had ceased to exist and what took her place is not fit for human interaction. Do I hate her? No. It’s worst; I’ve obliterated her from my mind. Why? Because she tried to destroy the one thing that I cherish above all else!

“Let’s go babe your mom took the kids to the pond to feed the ducks.” She was lying out by the pool looking hot in a little two-piece suit that barely covered anything. The in laws were in town for the weekend, it was July fourth and we were expecting a houseful. It’s not often that we have someone to watch the kids while we slip away because I don’t trust anyone with my family. If we go somewhere, they go. Denise have been putting in her bid for nanny services, but that’ll have to wait until my kids area trained to take care of themselves when me and their mom aren’t around.

“Where are we going?”

“Damien is almost one year old.”

“Yeah, what’s your point?”

“If I get started on you now we could have the next one by the time he’s maybe two or close, let’s go.”

With kids in the house I gotta get mine where I can. She was right on my heels as we made our escape.

The backyard was crowded with people; everyone was having a good time. I’d invited some of the guys from the base and Nessa’s aunts, uncle’s and assorted cousins were here, along with her brothers and their wives. Denise was here with her new beau, not looking as drawn as she had been in the months after mom and dad left. The kids were running around getting into shit, much as I once did in this same place.

I saw Nessa standing in a group of women chatting while they all kept a beaded eye on the kids. My phone went off with a text, which I read in semi disbelief. I always knew there was a possibility, but I was hoping this day would never come. How many ways did she want me to do this shit? I made sure my wife was preoccupied as I slipped away to the little garden gate on the other side.

She was standing there, hidden behind a tree with high-powered binoculars. It was almost sad really, the picture she made. An aging woman with her greying hair and more lines in her face than were there the last time we’d met.

She saw me and started to bolt, but then something made her stop.


“Who are you, who’re you looking for?”

“Damien don’t, I said I was sorry.”

“What exactly are you sorry for?”

“I don’t…wait…I’m sorry that I caused you so much trouble, you have to believe me, I was only looking out for you.”

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