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The Daughter In Law

Page 29

“This is for pin, thought it best to get this shit started from now.” Dad's gift to his unborn grandchild was a hefty check for his college fund.

"Dad, where do you plan on sending him, to the top four all at once?"

“Have you been watching the news, following the market? By the time pin’s ready for college one of two things will be happening: either we’ll all be dust, or this will cover one and a half years tuition tops."

"You're nuts."

The atmosphere had calmed down somewhat since dad's little pow-wow, but I could tell Damien was still pissed. The truth is I was still learning about my hubby and his myriad moods. We'd had maybe eight months together before he'd been sent off. I knew one thing only, and that was that I loved him something stupid.

When he'd been gone, those first few weeks had been sheer hell; that's why she'd been able to sideline me so effortlessly. Just like a serpent in the grass, she'd struck when I was at my weakest. I also knew he was strong and sweet and he loved me fiercely. My only fear, was that hagfish would be able to hoodwink him and worm her way back in. If I had to live with that fear hanging over my head for the rest of my life I’d shoot myself.

When it was finally time to leave, mom had a minor freak out. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?"

"Yeah mom I'll be fine."

"You call us the minute that's no longer true, I mean it; no matter what time it is, day or night. You know I ran away from your father once?"


"Yep, and it was over this same thing. He refused to see his mother for what she was, a two headed monster. I swear that woman had two faces; she could turn on a dime like nobody's business. Anyway, when it looked like he was going to side with her the last time she fucked up, I waited until he was gone and hightailed it outta there. He went nuts. I didn't go to any of the places he'd expect and girl let me tell you, when he finally did find me three weeks later I was ready for him. Needless to say he put mommy dearest in her place after that and all has been well from then 'til now.”

I started to cry because I knew what she was saying, but I didn’t want to be away from my husband, especially not over this. It just wasn’t fair.

Next it was dad’s turn to give us the third degree. “You kids sure you’re gonna be okay?”

“Yes dad we’ll be fine. I’ll see that no harm comes to her.”

“I’m not so much worried about her, I’m more concerned about pin. What the fuck? How did I end up calling my grandkid by that stupid name? that’s no name for a little girl.”

“Girl what girl? Who’s having a girl?”

“Calm down Dami dad’s just joking.”

“The hell I am, look here boy. I have six grandsons count them, six. Vanessa’s the last girl we’ve had in the line for over twenty eight years, ask her how many male cousins she has.”

“It’s true.”

“So by that token shouldn’t you surmise that we’re having a boy?”

“No because we’re due. Not to worry son, she didn’t start giving me grey hair until she was about twelve, up until then it was a cinch. But when you see ten, eleven rolling around, all I can tell you is hone up on your shooting skills soldier boy, you’re gonna need them.”

“Dad, stop scaring poor Damien he’s turning green.”

“Okay then, and you’re sure you’re not going to be walking into anything when you get back there?”

“I’m positive.” The two men shared a look and from the way he said it, it was as if he was very sure. Me I wasn’t convinced. We’d been gone for a week; Haggie could do a whole lotta damage in that amount of time. I’m thinking we might want to call out the bomb squad and maybe some of those sniffing canines or something. Now that dad had brought it up, that was something else for me to worry my ass over on the plane ride home.

He still hadn’t told me about this great plan of his and every time I brought it up he’d change the subject. Last night after I’d ridden him reverse cowgirl and let him play in my ass, he still wasn’t forthcoming. All he’d say in that southern drawl of his is that it wasn’t fitting to burden a woman with such things. I have no idea what century my husband is living in. He thinks he’s protecting me by keeping me in the dark. What he doesn’t know is that I need to know everything all the time. How else am I supposed to protect myself when he’s not around?

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