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The Daughter In Law

Page 21

“Of course, she’s my momma. I told her right after I told my pooh bear days ago.”

I almost felt sorry for her hurt, sad look, almost. But then I remembered her telling his ex skank how much she wished he’d married her instead of me and I wanted to break her face.

“Let’s go mom it’s time for you to leave.”

“But, the baby…”

“Is none of your concern; you made your choice with your behavior.” He was actually dragging her by her arm towards the door. I knew this victory would be short lived. There’s no telling what crackpot Nellie will come up with next. But now that I had my honey on my side I wasn’t too worried.

Chapter 12

It’s been weeks and I’m getting nervous, you know, waiting for the other shoe to drop. It’s not like she’s been quiet this whole time, not by a long shot. In fact I think she amped up the crazy. Now we’re headed for New York to be with my family and I’m expecting Jill the ripper to be in the seat behind me. “Baby you sure you have everything?”

“Yep and if I don’t my honey bear will get it for me.” He’s so cute. I’ve been spoilt rotten in the last month or so since the dragon lady has been in exile. I think he’s trying to make up for all those times that she was mean to me. After that first night when I’d told him of her horrid behavior we never revisited the topic. I was keeping that shit in reserve for when and if he ever lost his damn mind and decided to give her another shot. But she wasn’t making it easy to forget her.

One morning I drove out of the driveway and just as the gates were about to close behind me, I could’ve sworn I saw Mata Hari dart behind the hedges, true story. Sometimes she’d call and hang up. I started keeping track of those and informed hubby how irritating it was and how I just couldn’t take my needed afternoon nap with all the interruptions. The number was changed to an unlisted one the next day.

I’m not sure how she was handling not talking to her baby boy sixteen times a day; she must be climbing the walls. I know he still hasn’t talked to her, because I’ve been checking his phone. The first sign that he’s about to cave I’m upping my game. She went too damn far with her shit. The only way I’d let her back in is if she offers me a sincere apology and since I’ll be the one judging the sincerity of said apology, that would be a cold day in hell.

At airport check-in I was a nervous wreck, I kept looking around for Quasimodo in a trench coat with sunglasses and a hat pulled down to her brows. Damien was his usual relaxed self, not a care in the world. Poor thing, he’d met his dad at his office to give him his gifts from us. Haggie would skin him alive if she knew he was consorting with the enemy. Damien got her something too, he couldn’t help himself, but hers is at home in a drawer. I think he plans on saving them up until she starts behaving, then he can give them to her. I’m thinking yard sale or Goodwill.

“Babe, stop twitching what’s wrong, you nervous about flying with the baby?”

“No it’s not that.” As much as I hated bringing up the Thing, I had no choice. I was giving myself indigestion.

“Then what is it sweetheart?” He pulled me in close and kissed my hair. Could he be any sweeter? I wonder if he noticed how stress free he was since he’d cut off contact with the beast?

“I’m afraid your mom’s gonna spoil it for us. I don’t know how but I just know she’s gonna find a way.”

“Babe we’ll be in New York how the hell will she do that?” Is he for real?

When they started to call our flight and nothing happened I was finally starting to relax. Looks like I was stressing for nothing. Just then Damien’s phone went off and I still didn’t think anything of it, we’d dodged a bullet.

“What, when, what happened?” Next thing I knew he was dragging me off in the opposite direction. No, no, no, the plane is that way.

He was moving so fast I could barely keep up and my heart started pounding again. “What is it, what’s going on?”

“Mom’s in the hospital.” That’s all he’d say.

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