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The Consequence of Seduction

Page 58

“What’s wrong?”

“Huh?” He glanced up. “What do you mean?”

I rolled my eyes. “Colt, you’re shit at hiding things. What’s wrong?”

He cleared his throat. “Do you, uh, think this is a good idea?”

I let out a long sigh through my lips. “Well, it’s not a bad one, I can tell you that. Jordan lined up three separate appearances for Vegas, the buzz is huge for the movie, and according to Entertainment Weekly, I’m the next Jeremy Renner. So, yeah, I’m thinking it’s a better idea than staying here and holing up in my apartment just because the lie got a little bit bigger than we all expected.”

“Bigger.” Colt’s eyebrows shot up. “People named you the hottest couple of the year. Bigger is an understatement.”

I waved him off, even though my chest started clenching with what I’d assumed was panic. “I trust Jordan. She’s the best. If she says it’s going to be okay, then it’s going to be okay.”

“And that’s another thing.” Colt leaned forward, his voice barely above a whisper. “How do you know she’s not really falling for you? I mean, are you sure things aren’t progressing past a simple PR trick?”

“Because she’s a professional,” I said quickly, even though my heart started hammering against my chest so hard I was afraid Colt was going to see right through the bullshit. Forget Jordan, I was the one I was worried about. Was that selfish? Yeah, a bit, but I liked her, really liked her.

She was beautiful.


Held her own with Max.


Goal oriented.

Had the sexiest mouth I’d ever seen.

Oh, right, and she held her own with Max. That demanded to be said at least twice, possibly three times.

Hell, what wasn’t to like?

“You’re staring at the mermaid again,” Colton deadpanned. “And sorry to break it to you, but your cup isn’t a magic lamp, and no matter how many times you rub the Starbucks logo, the topless mermaid won’t pop out of the cup and offer you three wishes.”

One. I really only needed one.

A do-over with Jordan.

A way to make her see me as more than just her client. It was a bad idea. A horrible idea.

Try and really seduce her.

Because for the first time in . . . hell, I didn’t even know how long—she made me want more than just a first date.

Or even a third.

“So should I go now?” Colt stood.

“Sit.” I pushed the cup away. “Sorry, lost in my thoughts.”

“Do that shit on your own time.” Colt put a napkin over the mermaid and folded his hands on the table. “Look, I just don’t want to see anyone get hurt, and girls . . . they’re emotional. Believe me, I’m married to one.”

“Damn it, I knew there was something different about Milo!” I snapped my fingers and pounded the table.

“Hilarious.” Colt rolled his eyes. “Just be careful.” A camera flashed outside the window. “Now that you can’t piss without having your picture taken, if things go south . . .”

South. I smirked. Please let them go south. I could do a lot of damage with south.

“Dude, look at me that way again and I’m going to punch you in the nuts.”

“You sounded like Max just then.” I laughed.

Colt didn’t.

“Not a compliment, was it?”

Colt shook his head very slowly.

“Sorry.” I stood. “I’m going to pack and I’ll see you guys later at the airport . . . Jason’s coming, right?”

“Yeah.” Colton threw our cups in the trash as we walked out. “But his parents made him swear to bring a helmet.”

“He’s twenty-four, why the hell would he need a helmet?”

“Because Milo will be there, and the last time they traveled together Jason suffered three blunt head wounds and a black eye. Guy wore a patch for a full week. We still call him Sparrow.”

I nodded. “Think if we get him drunk enough in Vegas we can convince him to get an actual Sparrow tramp stamp on his lower back?”

Colt chuckled and rubbed his hands together. “We can always blame Max once Jason wakes up from his drunken stupor.”

“Really, we’d be doing him a favor.”

“Yeah, we’ll just have to make sure we tell him that when he wakes up with ink above his low-rise jeans.”

I checked my watch. “All kidding aside, I really need to get back to the apartment.” I kept my head down, making sure my hat and sunglasses were in place. “I’ll see you at the airport.”

Colton put on his black Ray-Bans and nodded. “Think they’ll have enough alcohol on that plane to sedate us? I’m worried that we’ll all be traveling with Max in such confined space.”

“Welcome to my hell.” I turned around and waved. “See ya soon.”

Colt returned my wave and hailed a taxi while I made my way down the street.

While waiting for the walk signal, I pulled out my phone and texted Jordan, who I’d programmed into my phone as Sebastian.

Me: You packed?

Sebastian: NOTHING FITS!

Me: Why the all caps?

Sebastian: You cook too well and my swimsuit from last year looks like . . . hell, it looks horrible. I can’t wear it. I can’t.

Me: Naked suits you. I thought we discussed this?

Sebastian: Prison, however, does not, so if you want me to stay out, I need to go shopping, but I don’t have time and Otis cried when I dropped him off at doggie day care. ns class="adsbygoogle" style="display:block" data-ad-client="ca-pub-7451196230453695" data-ad-slot="9930101810" data-ad-format="auto" data-full-width-responsive="true">

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