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The Coffin Club (Vampire Kisses #5)

Page 13

Aunt Libby`s fifteen-year-old navy blue Schwinn was no sexy Harley Night Rod. The tires were low on air, the handlebar was missing a rubber handle cover, and the back wheel squeaked with every revolution.

I peddled through Hipsterville and coasted down Main Street, steering around discarded trash left over from the festival. I locked the Schwinn to a bicycle rack outside the library, a block south of the vampire club.

I was hoofing down the sidewalk when I heard a motorcycle whizzing through an alleyway. I followed the sound, which seemed to be coming from behind the buildings. I wandered off the beaten path to a lit alleyway outside the Coffin Club, where I spotted a hearse parked next to a Dumpster. The car was familiar--a vintage black Cadillac with a silver bat hood ornament, whitewall tires, skull and crossbones on the left rear panel, and a skeleton hanging on the rearview mirror. The license plate`s county sticker was from Hipsterville and the license plate read: I BITE. It was Jagger`s.

Past the oversized garbage can, I glimpsed a rider with a black helmet parking his bike in the alley. I crept over as silently and quickly as a daddy longlegs. When the rider took off his helmet, he spun around. The shadows blocked him, but I appeared in full view. Even in the shadows, I could tell he seemed surprised by my arrival.

Phoenix headed toward me, gravely concerned. There may be trouble inside the bar tonight, he warned.

Trouble? That`s my middle name.

I`m serious. He placed his hand firmly on my shoulder. I strongly suggest you go home.

He glared down at me, brooding behind his sunglasses, his dark purple and black hair flopping seductively over them.

I had a feeling that if I stayed, there might be more trouble outside the club.

I nodded reluctantly.

Phoenix slipped into the Coffin Club through the back alley entrance. I was surprised he hadn`t parked in the VIP spot and sauntered into the club like a leather-clad prince. Maybe there was going to be a fight inside the club tonight and he wanted to make a quick getaway. I lagged behind him, and as the door began to close I stuck my foot inside the frame. The door was heavy as it slammed on my boot. I limped inside.

I saw purple locks bobbing a few feet ahead of me before they disappeared through a door. I hobbled into the darkness, doing my best to keep up, but kept a safe distance so I would go undetected. All of a sudden I was descending a steep staircase and standing in front of a dungeon door with the spray-painted words DEAD END.

I uncovered my Coffin Club bracelet, poked in my purse for my key chain, and anxiously fumbled for the skeleton key. An equal amount of fear and excitement coursed through my veins. The key shook in my unsteady hand, but I managed after a few tries to stick it into the lock and swiftly turn it.

The door creaked open.

Dragon examined me as I whisked past him and slipped through the slit in the curtain.

The Dungeon was spectacularly alive. Clubsters were buzzing, dancing, tipping back goblets, and partying as if it might be their final time at the club. The devilish and decadent catacomb chambers were packed full of fang-toothed goths, punks, and emos. Perhaps it would be the last time I`d see Scarlet and Onyx, if they forgave me for recognizing them as they were going unnoticed in the mortal world.

But as I milled through the crowd, an even darker mood began to wash over the club like draining blood. I spotted members in white T-shirts with the black word POSSESS, in homage to Jagger`s tattoo, having private meetings, whispering, and passing messages.

Raven! I heard a familiar girl`s voice call. It was Onyx. Her hair was styled in long pigtails, with spiderweb bows. She and Scarlet raced over to me.

I`m so sorry we pretended not to know you at the art festival, Scarlet apologized.

Will you ever forgive us? Onyx asked.

We have to keep a low profile when we`re in the mortal world, said Scarlet.

Me too, but sometimes I forget, I said.

I couldn`t acknowledge that we`d met here, said Onyx.

I understand, I replied. What was I thinking?

But I did feel sad. As much as I didn`t fit in Dullsville, I was still me--24-7. I didn`t really know what it meant to hide part of me--or all of me--from others, like Onyx, Scarlet, Jagger, and Alexander did on a daily basis. While Alexander thrived on isolation and Jagger on his menacing ego, they all were truly outsiders. I realized more than ever that for many of the vampires like Scarlet and Onyx, this club was their only lifeline. There is so much going on, Scarlet said, her voice rife with concern.

Can`t you feel the tension? Onyx asked. The club`s about to explode!

I know--there`s something I`ve got to tell you... I began.

Something`s going down tonight, Scarlet interrupted.

It`s going to be a late night tonight, if you need to crash here, Onyx offered.

You sleep in the club? I wondered aloud.

Scar doesn`t, Onyx began. She lives in town. But I hang here when I visit. That`s what`s so cool about the club and why we`re hoping it doesn`t change.

Would you like to see my crash pad? Onyx asked proudly. We can tell you more there--

Yes, I declared enthusiastically.

I was curious to see what kind of sleeping chamber Jagger had set up for the club members to entice them to Hipsterville.

Once again, I was guided through narrow winding catacombs, past chambers, hallowed graves, and tombs. Everything looked familiar, and at the same time I knew I`d never been down these tunnels before. We finally stopped in front of a gray metal sliding door. Onyx opened the portal. Never in my life had I imagined such a vampire dwelling.

The windowless room was the size of a warehouse. It was a funeral director`s dream come true. One coffin after another lay on the dirt floor, perfectly lined up--ten coffins across. But what was even more macabre were the coffins suspended above them, hanging from the ceiling by steel wire, like cryptic hammocks.

With a slam, the portal closed behind us.

I waited for the coffin lids to pop open and fang-flashing vampires to yell, Surprise! But nothing happened. I must have appeared unusually pale because Scarlet placed her bloodred- fingernailed hand on my shoulder. Don`t be startled, she reassured me. It`s just a fire door.

Let me show you my coffin, Onyx said excitedly.

I wasn`t sure how their owners could tell them apart because they all appeared identical. We walked by the vampires` beds to the front of the room.

This one is mine, she said, tapping on the top.

On one side was a black onyx stone, outlined in white. She lifted the coffin lid. Inside were red and black plaid sheets, a comforter and matching pillowcase, a black iPod, and a black UglyDoll Ice Bat.

She closed the lid casually, as if it were a life-size guitar case.

When I`d pictured becoming a vampire, I`d never imagined this--sleeping among strangers like in a youth hostel for the undead, just for the chance to wake up, dance, and be with other vampires. Was this the life I`d be leading if I joined the Underworld? To remain forever in a hidden identity--or to risk it all to be known around mortals?

It was time I told Onyx and Scarlet about the crop circle and what I`d overheard.

We were wrong--I was wrong. About Phoenix. He doesn`t want to expose the club. He wants us to remain peaceful.

You`re kidding, Onyx said in disbelief.

Scarlet`s eyes grew red with rage. Then it`s just been Jagger...all along.

Yes! He and Phoenix confronted each other out by the crop circle. Jagger`s been inviting vampires here under the guise of a safe club to hang out in, but all the time he was planning on gathering enough members to take over the town.

He duped us all along! Scarlet exclaimed. We must do something before he ruins the club--and us! Onyx ordered.

The portal opened. It was Scarlet`s blond date and he appeared very concerned. There you are! He charged over to Scarlet. Something`s going down... He paused when he saw me. I`m afraid we are going to lose the club.

Before he had a chance to explain, he grabbed Scarlet`s hand, who in turn took Onyx`s. Onyx grasped mine, her soft palm perspiring. I grew even more anxious--what would make a vampiress nervous?

We entered the labyrinth of dark and narrow catacombs. It was like a Halloween haunted house, only the costumed volunteers were real-life vampires. Fanged, corpse-complexioned, blue-lipped vampires, all wearing white T-shirts, hung from the archways as we hurried through. They threatened us, licking lips, eyes red with anger, reaching for us and trying to take hold of anything, from our shirts to our skirts. Parts of the catacombs were so curvy I was afraid we`d get separated. Other turns were so dark the only thing I felt was Onyx`s hand and my boots hitting the uneven dirt floor.

When a naked bulb eventually illuminated our path, I was sure it wasn`t Onyx`s hand I was holding anymore. When I looked up, I let out a horrible scream. A red-eyed vampire was clutching my hand, his nails as long as knives. Before I could give him a quick karate chop or stomp on his checkered Vans, Onyx got in his face, her eyes bright with fury, and yanked me away from him.

Someone jumped out of the shadows, blocking my way. Vote for Jagger if you know what`s good for you.

I had managed to leap around him when another vampire, looking down from an archway, warned, Jagger has the only bloodline worth following.

Onyx squeezed my hand and I received a tremendous tug, hurling me and our chain forward. We all spilled out and landed safely in a chamber where mystical fog permeated the air and a line of members waited, their destination unclear. We`d made it out of the catacombs.

In the chamber stood podiums cornered off by a red velvet curtain. One by one, members entered the booths as if they were voting in a national election.

Sign in, a vampire ordered, directing us to a sheet of butcher paper scrolled on a long oak table.

Onyx picked up a feather dipped in ink and wrote her name, as beautiful as calligraphy. I scribbled down Raven Madison.

What are we voting for? I asked Onyx.

The direction of the club.

The guy handed us a piece of weathered parchment paper the size of a paperback, a pin encased in a plastic container, and an alcohol swab.

Where`s the pen? I asked.

This is it, he said disdainfully, rattling the container encasing the pin.

I`m not really sure-- I began as another member routed me to a stall just behind Onyx`s.

He closed the red velvet curtain around me. I placed my parchment on the podium. Two vampire names faced me--JAGGER and PHOENIX--an empty box next to each. Underneath Jagger`s name appeared EXPAND DUNGEON. Underneath Phoenix`s were the words LOCK DUNGEON. I waited a moment for instructions, but none came. Unlike school, there were no teachers or printed directions, e.g., Completely fill in the circle, Use a number two pencil, or Press firmly.

I was in a vampire club, after all--there could be only one way to vote.

I sterilized my finger with a wipe, then took a deep breath and pricked my skin. I was so nervous, I figured I`d bleed to death, but instead not even a drop surfaced. With my other hand, I squeezed my finger with all my might. A drop of blood the size of a dot formed, then it grew as big as a pencil`s eraser. As if my finger were a pen, I marked a box with a bloody X.

I caught up to Onyx, Scarlet, and their deadly dates by the electric chair. We wasted no time in returning to the dance floor, now infused with worried clubsters. There was less dancing and more talking, huddling, and pacing. The stage was empty of bandmates or instruments.

I wasn`t sure what we were waiting for exactly--a celebration? A fight? After all, I was in a vampire club--we could be waiting for a sacrifice.

A few minutes later, Dragon took the stage holding a stack of parchment ballots. He awkwardly stepped to the microphone. He obviously appeared more comfortable confronting members by the coffin lid door than he did speaking in front of them.

He shifted back and forth uneasily and cleared his throat. The results are in, he declared, one hand in his camouflage cargo pocket.

The crowd burst into cheers. White-T-shirt-wearing members chanted, Jagger, Jagger while others shouted, Phoenix, Phoenix.

Phoenix and Jagger, flanked with their cohorts, entered the stage from opposite sides like prizefighters coming into a ring.

Jagger threw his arms up in the air while Phoenix folded his arms and hung back.

Dragon cleared his throat again. And now...what you`ve all waited for.... The Dungeon master is...

Everyone fell silent.

Then Dragon leaned into the microphone and yelled, The Dungeon master is...Phoenix!

The crowd cheered, although the members in white T-shirts were visibly disappointed.

I grabbed Scarlet`s hand. The girls wailed in delight and we raised our arms and danced.

Dragon stood twice as tall and three times as wide as Jagger.

It is time, Jagger, that you relinquish your Master Key, he demanded, and took the lanyard from around Jagger`s neck.

Dragon returned to the mike. This is one of a kind and can`t be duplicated, Dragon announced. It is the only key that can permanently lock or unlock the club, giving the holder total control.

Phoenix took to the microphone to thunderous applause and cheers while Dragon presented him with a shiny golden skeleton key.

The crowd cheered again as Phoenix nodded his acceptance. For our own survival, he began in his heavy Romanian accent, we must remain peaceful and anonymous. The Dungeon has become a perfect place for us to be ourselves. We don`t have to be violent to be vampires.

The crowd cheered with enthusiasm.

And what is most important is that we don`t look to one person as a leader. So as long as we remain on a peaceful path, I relinquish control to the real leaders of the club--you!

Phoenix high-fived his gang and stepped offstage and disappeared.

This is awesome! Scarlet yelled. Onyx and Scarlet clasped hands with me and we jumped up and down, giggling and cheering like a daisy circle. Onyx`s pigtails and Scarlet`s curls bounced like those of girls in a school yard.

Jagger hopped onstage and seized the microphone. Don`t be so ready to turn your club over to him! The noise died down and finally stopped. Everyone was confused by Jagger`s reappearance.

One of our members is a fraud! he challenged. In fact, she isn`t a member at all! We are a club of immortals and one of us is actually a mortal!

Whispers quickly spread throughout the club like wildfire. I was honestly so caught up in the moment, I gasped along with Scarlet and Onyx.

The voting result is null and void! Jagger argued. Phoenix is not your winner!

That`s weird, Onyx remarked to me. Who would want to be a mortal surrounded by vampires? Do they have a death wish?

I demand a recount! Jagger yelled.

Jagger`s gang stood onstage and examined the stack of ballots one by one.

The crowd was on edge as if they were waiting for an execution order.

Several of Phoenix`s supporters climbed onstage and surrounded Jagger`s crew.

One of these is not true vampire blood, Jagger said, waving the stack in the air.

Here it is! one of Jagger`s sidekicks hollered like he`d found a winning lottery ticket.

Jagger snatched it from his hand.

This one is mortal blood! he proclaimed. I told you! Taste it for yourself!

The confused group of immortals was now talking quietly among themselves.

I know who the mortal is! Jagger declared.

The crowd began to skeptically glance around. No one believed the person beside them might not be one of the undead. For a moment I didn`t either. Perhaps it was someone else he was talking about.

The ghastly group looked to Jagger for an answer.

Jagger was fuming with anger. The mortal is hiding among you. And she`s standing right there! he blurted out, pointing to me.

The clubsters gasped in disbelief.

My stomach caved in. At any moment the crowd of vampires was going to pounce on me.

Dragon pushed his way to the microphone. It doesn`t matter! he said, holding my ballot and the focus of the group. Phoenix has twice as many votes as you.

His already ghost white face turned paler.

Phoenix won fair and square! Dragon proclaimed.

The crowd cheered a deafening roar.

Jagger glared at them, then at me, his blue and green eyes turning fiery red. He threw the card down and stormed offstage.

One of his crew came to the microphone. We still have a mortal among us!

Calm down, Dragon said, but the white-T-shirt-wearing members grew restless.

The whole crowd turned their gaze to me, baring their fangs.

Remember why you voted for Phoenix, Dragon directed.

Scarlet and Onyx appeared bewildered.

I`m so--, I pleaded.

I thought you were our friend, Scarlet said, disappointed.

I was. I am. Just because I`m mortal doesn`t mean-- Jagger`s crew was closing in around us.

You lied to us, Scarlet argued.

Did I? I never said I was a vampire.

She`s right, Onyx defended. We liked her because she`s cool. And that hasn`t changed. In fact, she`s brave. I never would have hung out with vampires before I was turned.

I didn`t mean to--, I said to Scarlet.

Then Scarlet`s demeanor softened. It doesn`t matter to me that you are mortal, she agreed. I liked you because you are you.

The rest of the club was far less forgiving. Jagger`s crew encircled me.

She may reveal everything to the outside world, one said.

And destroy our anonymity! cried another.

She needs to make a decision!

You better turn now! one demanded.

You must decide for all eternity, one said seductively. You won`t regret it.

There is only one way to be a member! another ordered, his gold fangs flashing.

Our way is the best way, someone added.

We are offering you the chance for immortality. Would you rather be buried in a grave or just sleep in one?

Come join us. We won`t bite... one said with a laugh.

Scarlet linked tightly on to one of my arms and Onyx the other.

Back off! Onyx yelled.

The two girls held on to me like a prized possession, but I felt more like a pi�ata. They were no match for the angry mob of Jagger`s crew, and it took only a few moments before our hold was broken.

I stood alone, surrounded by bloodthirsty vampires. The rest of the club was motionless. Even Phoenix`s benign vampires, who wanted nothing more than a secure place to hang out, were now conflicted. Was I more of a threat alive--or undead?

I`d always fantasized about becoming a vampire, hanging limp-bodied in the arms of a seductive vampire lover. I`d be the only one who could sustain his eternal life. Without me, he wouldn`t exist and he`d be buried deep within his coffin even in the moonlit hours. We`d live out our Underwordly lives together--shrouded in mystery. This is the picture I`d always had in my mind, and when I met Alexander, I felt this undying love for him--my dream was coming true.

But being seduced by a gang of Jagger`s cohorts wasn`t what I`d imagined. I was living the nightmare I`d had a few nights ago. I wasn`t ready to give up my mortal life because of peer pressure. I`d waited forever for Alexander to be the one to turn me--not a gang of Underworldly strangers. I`d always wanted to become a vampire, but under the moonlight during a covenant ceremony, not in a club brawl. My heart raced. I hoped to wake up at any moment, out of breath on Aunt Libby`s futon. It didn`t happen.

Don`t touch her! Onyx yelled as a few evil-looking vampires held her back.

So you`ve been hanging out here... a white T-shirt member said, slithering up next to me. Is it what you always dreamed of?

Jagger`s crew inched closer, hovering around me like a flock of vultures.

Yes! Just not this way.

There is only one way to become a member of our club, one said as they tightened their circle. I turned to my new friends, Onyx and Scarlet. And to the whole club that I`d been accepted in and wanted to remain part of. Though I was attracted, mesmerized, and even seduced by the Dungeon, when faced with the decision, was I willing to give up my life to join? At what cost did I want to be a member of the real Coffin Club?

At any moment, like an action hero, I hoped Alexander would burst through the Dungeon door.

But Alexander was nowhere to be found. He and Jameson were naively packing while I was moments away from becoming a vampiress.

Even Dragon wasn`t in plain view. I`d have to get myself out of this mess. Only I didn`t know how. The entrance was locked, and there was no getting past the gang of POSSESS-ed.

I`ve always wanted to be like you. That`s why I`m here. Why I snuck in! I shouted. Don`t you see?

Then join us! one said.

You will be eternally grateful, another proclaimed. They stared at me with hypnotic eyes. I became dizzy and shifted my gaze away.

Not now, not this way! I cried.

Two clubsters in POSSESS white T-shirts grasped my wrists and brushed my hair away from my shoulder.

I was overpowered. I couldn`t move. My heart was pounding so hard I thought it would explode at any moment. It won`t hurt, they said, licking their lips.

Well, it might sting a bit, one said, and leaned into me.

No! Not this way. I want Alexander!

Suddenly the sound of a motorcycle`s engine tearing through the catacombs was heard.

Phoenix peeled out of the tunnel and screeched to a halt at the edge of the dance floor. He vehemently revved his engine repeatedly.

Several members stepped back, uncertain of Phoenix`s next move. But the crew continued to latch on to my wrists even tighter.

Phoenix revved his engine again. When Jagger`s crew didn`t flinch, he shook his head. He thrust the motorcycle in reverse and backed it up ever so slowly, inch by inch, never taking his eyes off of me. He backed up as far as the farthermost archway--about twenty yards away from us--and shifted back into drive. My heart was throbbing louder than the engine itself. When my captives didn`t release me, Phoenix revved the engine a final time. He took off and headed straight for me.

I froze. Everything was happening in slow motion. Phoenix sped toward me, his engine roaring, dust spraying behind him. The crowd on the dance floor quickly dispersed. My heart must have stopped and I forgot to breathe. He continued to race right for me. I tried desperately to wriggle out of the gang`s clutches, but I couldn`t as the Night Rod approached. At any second I was going to have motorcycle tracks racing up my body. Phoenix was now only a few feet away and still I couldn`t move. I closed my eyes and said a quick prayer. At the very last second, Jagger`s crew released me from their clutches and scrambled to the sides. I let out a bloodcurdling scream as the motorcycle skidded to a dead stop a few inches from where I was standing.

It took a moment before I could inhale again. My body was limp and my legs like buttered noodles. Phoenix hopped off his bike and extended his hand to me, but I refused. I still didn`t know who this guy was. Maybe Phoenix wanted me to be the Dungeon Mistress.

He didn`t grab my hand or lean in to bite me. He actually looked quite surprised. Dragon resurfaced and, along with a large group of club members, gathered Jagger`s crew together and repossessed their club keys.

Scarlet and Onyx ran over to me. It`s okay. Phoenix saved you. He`s restored order to our club.

The crowd began chanting, Phoenix, Phoenix as the two girls helped me straddle the sleek bike.

I still have the Master Key, Phoenix announced with a thumbs-up to the crowd.

Everyone cheered.

I looked out into the crowd of immortals. They, like me, just wanted a place to hang out and be the insiders for a change.

The music began to blast and many cheered, kissed, or started to dance.

Onyx gave me a tight squeeze and I hugged her back as hard as I could. Come back, please, she said, flashing her onyx-jeweled fang. You have a lifetime membership.

Keep in touch, Scarlet said. You have my number. Just remember to call after sunset. My--

...parents hate to be woken up during the day, we said in unison. Then we both giggled wildly.

I glanced around the Dungeon--the dance floor, the bar full of blood drinks, the hollowed-out graves and tombs used for life as much as for death in my world. I`d never been in a truly Underworldly environment, and I didn`t know when or if I`d ever be in one again. I`d been surrounded by cold-blooded vampires who, I learned, surprisingly, were warmhearted. I`d found the club of my dreams--the only one I`d ever really wanted to belong to. Phoenix handed me his helmet and I placed it on my head. I wrapped my arms around his studded leather jacket and smiled at Scarlet and Onyx, now in the company of their dates. The members retreated, rocked to the music, and waved.

Phoenix started the engine and I held on to him with all my might as he drove off through the labyrinth of dark, winding catacombs and out a secret exit.

Phoenix sat on his motorcycle as I unlocked Aunt Libby`s bike outside the library. I sensed his gaze as I wrapped the heavy metal chain around the Schwinn`s seat.

Phoenix was leaning back against his bike, his motorcycle boots crossed at the ankle and his black leather pants hugging him hard like cellophane. His leather jacket was open, revealing a black T-shirt, and his arms were folded. Purple hair flopped over black sunglasses, and the moonlight cast a shadow against his pale face. He was staring straight at me--just like he was when I`d seen him illuminated in the Dungeon.

I didn`t know what to say. Phoenix had saved my life.

And I wasn`t sure when I`d see him again, or if I`d ever.

I can`t thank you enough--, I said from a safe distance.

Well, you can try, he said coyly.

I smiled and playfully rolled my eyes. I told you, I have a boyfriend.

For some reason I sensed that it didn`t matter to him whether I surrendered to his advances or not. I almost felt that he preferred I didn`t. He appeared to be the kind of guy who was comfortable living in the shadows while the other guy got the girl.

I was wrong about you, I confessed. You were much more benevolent than I imagined. I`m sorry I misjudged you.

He nodded. That`s all right, he replied. I misjudged you, too. Really? I asked.

Yes. You were much more trouble than I imagined.

We both laughed. I knew I should have felt happy that Phoenix had saved me, but instead I felt really sad knowing I might never see my new vampire friend again.

I had started to straddle Aunt Libby`s bike when I quickly climbed off and leaned it against the rack. I raced over to Phoenix and wrapped my arms around him, giving him a long, tight squeeze. I must have surprised him, because he didn`t hug me back. Then I felt his leather- clad arms around me. He hugged me, too, as if it were for the last time.

I hopped on Aunt Libby`s bike and sped away, not once glancing back. When I passed Main Street and turned the corner, I heard the familiar roaring sound of a motorcycle racing off into the night.

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