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The Chaplet of Pearls

Page 33

Young knight, whatever that dost armes professe,

And through long labours huntest after fame,

Beware of fraud, beware of ficklenesse,

In choice and change of thy beloved dame.


Berenger' mind was relieved, even while his vanity was mortified,

when the Chevalier and his son came the next day to bring him the

formal letter requesting the Pope's annulment of his marriage.

After he had signed it, it was to be taken to Eustacie, and so soon

as he should attain his twenty-first year he was to dispose of

Chateau Leurre, as well as of his claim to the ancestral castle in

Picardy, to his cousin Narcisse, and thus become entirely free to

transfer his allegiance to the Queen of England.

It was a very good thing--that he well knew; and he had a strong

sense of virtue and obedience, as he formed with his pen the words

in all their fullness, Henri Beranger Eustache, Baron de Ribaumont

et Seigneur de Leurre.

He could not help wondering whether the lady

who looked at him so admiringly really preferred such a mean-looking

little fop as Narcisse, whether she were afraid of his English home

and breeding, or whether all this open coquetry were really the court

manners of ladies towards gentlemen, and he had been an absolute

simpleton to be flattered. Any way, she would have been a most

undesirable wife, and he was well quit of her; but he did feel a

certain lurking desire that, since the bonds were cut and he was no

longer in danger from her, he might see her again, carry home a

mental inventory of the splendid beauties he had renounced, and

decide what was the motive that actuated her in rejecting his own

handsome self.

Meantime, he proceeded to enjoy the amusements and

advantage of his sojourn at Paris, of which by no means the least was

the society of Philip Sidney, and the charm his brilliant genius

imparted to every pursuit they shared. Books at the University,

fencing and dancing from the best professors, Italian poetry,

French sonnets, Latin epigrams; nothing came amiss to Sidney, the

flower of English youth: and Berenger had taste, intelligence, and

cultivation enough to enter into all in which Sidney led the way.

The good tutor, after all his miseries on the journey, was delighted

to write to Lord Walwyn, that, far from being a risk and temptation,

this visit was a school in all that was virtuous and comely.

If the good man had any cause of dissatisfaction, it was with the

Calvinistic tendencies of the Ambassador's household. Walsingham

was always on the Puritanical side of Elizabeth's court, and such

an atmosphere as that of Paris, where the Roman Catholic system was

at that time showing more corruption than it has ever done before

or since in any other place, naturally threw him into sympathy with

the Reformed.

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