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The Captain of the Kansas

Page 144

"They are not your men. They forfeited your captaincy by their own

action. In the effort to succor them you will lose at least one life

which is precious to all on board this ship. I am twice your age,

Courtenay, and I affirm unhesitatingly that you are wrong."

"Yet you are ready to take my place?"

"I have given you my reasons."

"They do you honor; but you would fail where I might succeed. You are

not a sailor. Brave as I know you to be, you are not physically fitted

for the rough work which may be needed. I think, too, you exaggerate

the risk. The Alaculofs are broken by last night's failure. They will

not dare to face us."

"At least spare me an argument which does not convince yourself;

otherwise you would depute me instantly for the service."

"Well, you force plain speaking. While I command the Kansas I am

responsible for the well-being of the ship, her crew, and her

passengers. I could never forgive myself if I left those men to the

mercy of the Indians. I cannot permit either you or Tollemache to take

a risk which I shirk. Boyle and Walker must remain on board--lest I

fail. Now, Christobal, don't make my duty harder. Shake hands! I am

proud to claim you as a friend."

"Huh!" said Boyle, strolling towards them. "What is it? A bet?"

"Yes," laughed Courtenay, from whose face all doubt had vanished; "a

bet, indeed, and you hold the stakes. Have you seen the smoke signal

yonder?" and he pointed across the bay.

"Yes. Tollemache found it again, twenty minutes since."

"It means that eleven of our men are there, expecting us to save them.

Hoist the ship's answering pennant from the main yard swung out to

starboard. Build a small fire on the poop and throw some oil and

lampblack on it. If they don't recognize the pennant they will

understand the smoke. Get some food and water stowed in the life-boat,

and offer five pounds a head to six men who will volunteer for a trip


"I go in charge, of course, sir?" said Boyle.

"You remain here, and take command during my absence. I want two

revolvers for a couple of the crew, and I shall take my own gun.

Please make all arrangements promptly. I am going to my cabin for five

minutes, and shall start immediately afterwards."

This was the captain speaking. His tone admitted of no contention.

Boyle hurried off, and Courtenay went into his quarters.

"What do you think of it?" Christobal asked Tollemache, as the latter

appeared to be sauntering after the chief officer.

"Rot!" said Tollemache.

"But what can we do? He is committing suicide."

"One must do that occasionally. It's rotten, but it can't be helped."

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