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The Black God

Page 72

But it wasn't his move that left her reeling. It was the desire, the urge to open to him rather than run, the need to feel more. To taste, to experience him in a way she never had anyone else. She experienced the same unnerving reaction to him when they dated four years before, the strange sense they belonged together or at least, were supposed to. Her lips parted in instinctive invitation, and Jonny's velvety tongue slid between them.

His own taste was dark, exotic, a combination of sweetness and musk, his full lips easing her into the kiss with unexpected gentleness.

Ashley began to kiss him back, not wanting to be outdone, even in an arena where she had practically no experience. She had only ever kissed him, and it was so long ago, she didn't recognize his flavor or remember what kissing him had been like. If it were this incredible, how had she forgotten?

Immersed in the sensations causing chaos inside her, she didn't notice their surroundings until the thump of techno stopped suddenly.

Ashley pulled away from Jonny and looked around. He'd Traveled to a beach. She was breathless, rattled, thoroughly confused and uncertain whether she should slap him or laugh.

Jonny gazed down at her, the intensity of his focus too much for her to handle with her emotions. She eased back while seeking something to say.

"Why … why did you do that?" she managed at last.

"I wanted to see if it'd work." He closed the distance between them.

Ashley stepped back quickly enough to stumble, and Jonny caught her arm to steady her. She felt almost drunk on whatever was in her system. Lust? Shock? Anger? She didn't quite know what to call the fire burning inside her.

"I'd say it did," Jonny said, sounding too smug for her liking.

"You call that a kiss?" she retorted before she could stop herself.

"It was a start. Could've been better."

Her eyebrows shot up, and she stared at him. Was he being an ass to her on purpose or was this who he was now? Because his warnings and passive aggressive challenges were starting to wear on her.

This time, it was Ashley who went toe-to-toe with him. Without knowing much about kissing, she at least wasn't going to let him fuck with her about this when he was already trying to curtail her vamp hunting. She reached up and took his cheeks and pulled his head to hers.

She planted a kiss on his lips. Jonny wrapped an arm around her and pulled her close once more, the hardness of his body sending spirals of need through hers. This time, his kiss wasn't gentle. It was aggressive, demanding, and sent her emotions and thoughts tumbling. The ocean breeze tickled her sensitive skin, and every inch of her was too aware that thin layers of clothing were all that stood between them.

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