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The Black God

Page 144

More than sixty vamps surrounded her. She faced one, the vamp with the ability to hide himself, while the others hung back around the edges of the factory, waiting for the order to attack.

"You're good," said the vamp facing her. He was large, muscular and bristling. Unlike the others, his eyes were pure black rather than red. "I see you refused my offer."

"Offer?" she echoed.

"To spare your brother if you took care of Jonny."

Ashley straightened, surprised. "You're Valon?"

"I am."

Panic fluttered to life inside her. She didn't know what to say and had always been a horrible liar.

Valon drew closer without drawing his weapons. He was studying her. The gleam of intelligence in his eyes confirmed what Jonny had said about him. "That's it? You'd rather let your brother die?" he asked. "Did you misunderstand something about my message, Natural? Or are you stupid?"

"No," she said finally. "Is he here?"

"He'll be dead before you are."

Fear seized her before she recalled what Jonny had said. "You won't. You can use his mind stealth ability against your enemies."

"Smart girl." Valon folded his arms across his chest. "His gift is unique. But you … you're a nuisance. I can find another warrior, one with less fight."

"Won't break my heart not to be vamped," she replied.

Valon drew even closer. Confident she could fight him now that at least one of her senses had a firm hold on him, Ashley didn't raise her weapons but met his gaze head on, waiting to see what it was he wanted.

"How do you fight for Jonny? I know Xander. I know he wouldn't agree to this."

"I'm here for my brother," she replied. "Give him back, and Xander won't have a reason to hunt you down and rip your skin off."

Valon's scrutiny was making her uncomfortable. It wasn't the look of a vamp about to attack but an opponent assessing his enemy. She wished she'd thought to ask more about him, whether he could read minds or anything else. She hadn't expected him to be able to befuddle her senses to the extent he did.

"I smell him on you," he said pensively. He appeared less pleased by this than the mention of Xander. "You aren't just his food, are you?"

Ashley's anger surged. The answer was too complicated for her to understand herself let alone explain to someone else. "None of your fucking business," she replied.

"I didn't expect this," Valon said. "I didn't expect Jonny to be so cold as to send in someone he was fucking to take me out. He's more vamplike than I gave him credit for."

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